We've reached our last stop here in Australia, Cairns. It has been an interesting journey north and we have seen the landscape and people change along the way. Our time in Oz has been full of adventure activities, plus it's been a very unique holiday season for us both.
We are now certified divers, as we just completed our PADI course on Magnetic Island. We had a really good time on the course and became immersed in the laid back ways of island life. During the course we completed 4 ocean dives as well. Unfortunately the visibility wasn't fantastic to begin with, but it did get better the next day. we saw some cuttlefish. I have truly lost Del to the ocean and all its wonders. I swear if he had a tank big enough he'd stay down there all day long. Needless to say we had a really good time.
Right now we are enjoying our last couple of days in the country before we fly to New Zealand...
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