Our second night in Chitwan was spent at a homestay in one of the Jungles villages. We were fed a traditional Nepali meal and enjoyed the sunset overlooking a river. The next morning we did a 2 hour Jungle walk with two local guides. We were lucky enough to watch a Rhino bathing in a River as we hid behind some trees and bush on the river bank. It was amazing and even a little heart pounding at first. I donated some blood to the park, but not by choice. I had my first leech experience and apparently they love me. Had two on my ankle, one on my calf and one under my arm. And I was covered up too! Sneaky little b*****s. Del on the other hand only picked up one. After the hike we visited a crocodile breeding centre and saw a Tiger that is no longer allowed to roam free in the Park. It's mother killed somebody when she was a cub so she has tasted human blood and would go after more (and now your asking why we did a Jungle walk in the first place? Can't really answer that, guess for the experience)
Later on we enjoyed a wash from an Elephant. What a great experience that was. Sitting on top of an elephant as it blows water onto you. Just have to watch out for the floaters in the water when you fall off. Plus the crocodiles are in the river too, but I think all the activity of the washing scares them away to calmer waters.
The following day we wound our way through the mountains and up into Kathmandu. When we were in Chitwan we ran into another group who are doing the same trip in the opposite direction. They said that Kathmandu was really dirty. Man are they in for a surprise when they get to India. Kathmandu's air may be polluted, but at least you're not going to step in a cow pat.
We have spent our time exploring the markets looking for the best deals. We enjoyed a live band at a shisha bar. We visited Buddha's Monkey Temple and Hindu's Shiva Temple. On the last night with the group I was so excited because we went for dinner at the Rum Doodle Bar and Restaurant. There was a book written in the 50's called The Ascent of Rum Doodle. Del and I both read the book when in Europe. It is a very funny satire about mountain expeditions. So needless to say we were happy to eat here just for the experience. We both had an amazing buff steak. Melt in your mouth goodness.
Now we have a couple more days here in Kathmandu before moving on into the Himalayas...
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