Cookie And Kingy On Route 66
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Santa Monica, California

New blog entry posted
Santa Monica, California

New blog entry posted
Santa Monica, California

New blog entry posted
Santa Monica, California

New blog entry posted
Santa Monica, California
Lisa Turner It was a pleasure to meet both of you in the Renee Taylor Gallery here in uptown during your travels to our "posh" Sedona! I hope your beautiful wife loved the gift that you picked for her! Warmest regards -
re: SadonaJeremy Did you see the Ballagio Fountain Show? What is it with all those Mexicans giving out prostitute adverts on the corner of every side walk? I was walking with Cheryl and the girls and they still tried it on! I have to say I am glad we went but would not hurry back to Vegas.
re: las vegasJeremy Elle will have to give you both technology lessons when you get back.
re: Checked out Venice beach.Jeremy We did not think Santa Monica Pier was very special, a little dated? Looks like you found a nice hotel, looking forward to seeing the photos from the flight tomorrow.
re: Santa Monica BoulevardElle Ahah Jeremy!! Well dad will only do it if Alan does because of dads competitiveness!! Ah i will persuade him..
re: Vegas tomorrow.Jeremy If you both go on Insanity on the top of the Stratosphere Tower I will give you £50 each!! LOL But you both have to go and I will need serious proof such as photos! I did not have the guts to go on it when we were there. Also do go and see Penn and Teller the magician show, it is brilliant and there is an all you can eat international buffet which is great as well!!.....will they go on the ride Elle?
re: Vegas tomorrow.jeremy Sounds like Teresa, Elle and Joe will be having some lovely expensive presents...mind you Teresa ought to get a medal for putting up with you Kingy!! :)
re: SadonaJeremy Just like being at that shop in Obertuern, did Alan find any Aviator shirts to fit this time! LOL
re: Santa Fe- last visited

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Jeremy Elle will have to give you both technology lessons when you get back.