Hi everyone, it's been a busy few days! We enjoyed a night out in Puerto Iguazu on our first night in Argentina! It doesn't really get busy at night here til 1am, so it was a late one! It was a great night, enough said! It was just such a shame that it was our first night in a bed for waaaaay too long, and we only spent 3 hours in it because we got back so late!! The next morning we started our journey to San Ignacio Mini, a small town famous for its Jesuit Ruins, but there's not a lot else there so we left again first thing in the morning. We did go to a sound and light show at the ruins in the evening though, where the story of the ruins was told by projecting moving images in the grounds and on the ruins themselves, with a commentary telling to story. It was impressive as they had huge battle scenes being projected onto the walls where the soldiers would actually have been! The next morning we started our long journey to Salta. Salta is the 8th largest city in Argentina, it's surrounded by mountains and fairly high altitude so it's getting chilly up here! We spent the whole day on the bus, a total of 15 hours in one day! The plan was to bush camp and cook at night, but our driver Will wanted to carry on for as long as possible so the drive the next day was shorter, and by the time we did stop it had gone midnight, so we decided the best option was to buy food out and go to bed! Unfortunately there wasn't much choice around for food as we were in a little town, and in the end we stopped at what is best described as a tiny outdoor cafe. They seemed a bit overwhelmed when 35 hungry and tired travellers turned up, but in just 15 minutes they had managed to put on a feast, with chicken, beef and pizza. Friends from the community were even coming out to help! We then drove for around another hour before settling at a service station for the night. We put up our tents in the dark again, conveniently right next to an ants nest, and went almost straight to bed. The service station was teeming with nasties, including a scorpion in the toilets, and someone woke up with a tarantula on the outside of their tent in the morning! It was a horrendous night, but thankfully we were out of there first thing in the morning, and reached Salta a few hours later. The campsite we were meant to be staying at was closed so we were meant to be camping at a different hostel. However when we got there we were told that we were all getting free upgrades to a dorm!! It was the most amazing feeling, especially after the night we had the previous night! The hostel is amazing. Almost all the staff speak English as their first language, there is free wifi everywhere and best of all, we have amazing beds!! We spent our first afternoon admiring the place and our beds before heading out into Salta in the evening. We filled up on double vodkas for 70p at the hostel then headed out to sample Salta's nightlife! Lets just say it was 10 times as crazy as our last night out in San Ignacio Mini. Colette got the whole group refused into a club as she was too drunk (though she wasnt the worst in the group)The highlight was definitely crashing into a restaurant and getting up on stage with the band! Colette was even spotted in a shish bar later in the night! Anyway, once again, that's enough said about that night! After another poor nights sleep in a bed, we headed into Salta the next day to see what it's like in daylight. We were going to get a bus but they dont run very often on sundays so we started to walk. We got 7km down the road before our tour leader picked us up in a taxi! when we got there we took a cable car to the top of a mountain where we had fab views all over the city. We then had a wander around. Not much was open as it was Sunday and also siesta time, but we stopped in 2 cafes, one for lunch and one for pudding where we had some delicious food, then headed back to the hostel where we had an early night and finally got our first proper nights sleep since we've been here! This morning we were up bright and early to go horse riding! It was a proper Argentinian day. We arrived at the ranch for breakfast and then had a three hour ride or at least some of us did. Katie discovered she has a horse allergy which meant she had to be taken to hospital for an antihistamine/anti inflammatory injection.She still said it was worth it though after. The ride was so much fun (minus the hospital trip of course) we got to see a lot of the area riding through streams and past houses where the children waved and shouted ciao. Then it was back to the ranch for a Barbie. We plan to stay at the hostel for curry night tonight - yummers!
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