Well, here I am back home. Not in Glen Coe - as the picture suggests - but in Glasgow (since there wasn't a picture of Glasgow, this was the closest thing [if you exclude Edinburgh!] ) Anyway, nearly forgot I hadn't finished updating this so I am doing it tonight. (more for myself now really, I realise probably no-one will read this now, but its become like a diary for me and I feel I owe it a proper ending..)
Thought I would just add a little postscript of it all. Firstly 2 months isn't long enough to do all these cool places. The beaches in Thailand were so beautiful I could spend 2 months there alone, and so many places, like San Francisco, and Tahiti, I'd love to go back to with some money! Although I enjoyed every destinations, its fair to say, I feel I travelled between extremes - some of the most fake, empty and cold places and some of the most real, rich and warm. I didnt think a country could have a soul, or be without one, but now I do!
So yes, I've now been back for a couple of weeks and think I have fully stopped talking in Pigeon English. I am having to re-learn chip and pin, which I had just about gotten used to before I left. So dread to think what I'd be like if I had been away for any longer!
But cause it was just like an extended holiday really for me, everything else has just bounced back to normal, as if I'd never been away. Except Vietnam - which whizzed passed my eyes so quickly but will stay with me forever... Even thought I'm still suffering over the loss of my conical hat, (sorry to mention it again G) I was silly to think I'd need it as a reminder - how could I ever forget??
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