Lou's Trip
Hello! How is everyone? You all still getting nice weather back home? Why do I always miss the heatwave!! We are now in Chang Mai - arrived after about 36 hours of travelling on bus, boat and plane from Ko Phanang, to Bangkok and then to here ( we somehow managed to fit in a trip to a floating market in between this all at 7 in the morning in time between bus and plane, much to the amazement of a kiwi girl sitting next to me who kept saying how impressive it was we could keep awake! well worth it tho! )
But might was well say a bit about Ko Phanang here as havent really done much in Chang Mai. Its basically the Island beside Ko Samui, its quiter and a bit cheaper. We headed for bottle beach as its meant to be the nicest there. So,after our boat to the island we got dropped off at a beach - everyone else seemed to be going elsewhere so when me and G said bottle beach the guy pointed to a guy with a little wooden boat we were to get on. Had to wade on with our backpacks which was quite funny. It was basically one of the boats the use that takes food and other amenities to and from the island along with the odd backpacker crammed in. We were recommened by the guy on the ferry boat to take magic muchrooms cause the police cant get to the island (?!) - thats how remote it is.. and think thats mainly who it attracts (was quite cool though, I felt like I was in that film The Beach , which you kept hearing bandied about cause most people must have been thinking the same thing!) But anyway think we made the right choice as it was beautiful there and we pretty much had the beach to ourselves. Stayed in a bungalow with toilet and shower etc so it was quite comfy as well - still to put the pics on of that.
So now we are staying in Chang Mai for about a week.. have booked a day of trekking tomorrow so will update on how that goes. Think we are then going to a place called Pai north of there at some point too(think thats how its spelled). Quite a lot of people we've spoken to have recommended it for a visit, its a tiny little town with hot springs so think we will stay there for a night!! So will update later on that.
Bye for now, Lxx
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