Marco arrived today so we went out to a Japanese BBQ grill where you cook the food yourself. This was awesome. We couldnt find a bar so we went to a food place next door and had drinks there then when our table was ready we went in. Had all these great flavored meats that we cooked ourselves. Was real fun, mind you we all had a bit to drink! The the booth we were in has this other table with 3 guys on it. We started talking to then and it turns out two of the guys here (brothers) were dancers or so they said. Donavan and .......... (sorry i cant remember your name) were absolutely hillarious!!! They asked what we were doing in LA and when we advised Damo was with Dancing with the Stars they didnt believe us?
So they challenged us to a dance off in the both of this restaurant. Dam & Peta v's these two brothers. It was really funny. Inn the end one of the brothers rang his mum and advised that hes eating at this place where Pamela Andersons dance partner was.
It was a great night. The brothers who are on there way to San Diego the next day said they would watch and vote on Monday night!!
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