So my journey began this morning with the lovely Tavis and Becca picking me up bright and early at 5:30am. After discussing the last minute must-sees and deciding to pull the plug on packing my tennis shoes- I was on my way. As I was walking to the check-in counter for Continental Airlines it hit me. I am traveling to Europe. Alone, no plans-no agenda. A rush of fear and excitement hit me all at once. I shook it off and checked into my flight.
When I got to my gate, naturally I was one of the last three people to board. We inched our way into the plane when the flight attendant tapped me on my shoulder to inform me the overhead compartments were full so they would have to check my bag. I shrugged my shoulders and handed her the bag, I would get it back after we landed at my layover in New York City. Just as long as they weren't holding my bag until we landed in Milan. I had my book in the bag but more importantly Sonja gave me Xanax so I could sleep through the seven hour flight to Europe.
The flight attendant tells the gentleman behind me the same story and he screams that this "Is not a good solution!" I mumble under my breath, "It's not that big of a deal." Clearly, he's going to get his bag back in New York.
On the flight, I was so excited I keep asking the woman next to me random questions and her standard response is a laugh followed by "I don't know." Later I found out she was visiting from Norway. That explains it, she literally did not know anything I was saying. She did however know what Facebook meant. We're now friends.
Once we landed in NYC, I waited patiently for my bag in the gateway. The flight attendant asked if she could help me and I told her I was just waiting for my bag. In a condescending tone she said "Your bag was routed to Milan." Now I was beginning to understand why that guy was freaking out earlier. This totally was not a good solution. I went to the check-in counter and talked to the clerk. I told them I thought they were going to give me my bag right back after landing. He apologized for the confusion and said the bag is going straight to Milan. How do you explain to someone that you got drugs that were not prescribed to you so that you can sleep through a flight to another country? I rephrased it in my head before speaking "I was not told my bag would be checked all the way through and I have medication that I need to take." He advised me to go to the customer care desk. Now I really did need that Xanax because I was beginning to stress. Is this a foreshadow to how my trip is going to be?
I stood in line and looked at the nice young customer sales representative. She seemed like someone who would find a way to get my bag. I then glanced over at the next sales representative beside her. He was a grumpy old man who probably didn't even know how to operate a computer. Hopefully I would get the girl. The girl was wrapping up with her customer and the old man yelled "Next!" I pretended like I didn't hear. Anxiously, I looked back to the girl, she was thanking the people at her counter, I still had a shot to get her. The old man yelled "'Next in line!" I walk up to his counter knowing what my answer was. Before I could even spit out my story he said "Your bag is in route to Milan, nothing I can do," Yes, just as I thought. Deflated, I was walked away and did a run through in my head of packing last night. There was a slight chance those pills were in my carry on. I crossed my fingers, dug through my bag and sure enough I found the container at the bottom. I will get sleep tonight.
Now I followed the signs in the airport to where I was always so curious about- The Presidents Lounge. I always wondered what went on in those rooms, you can't get in without a pass. After being with Continental for years I finally got two free passes into the lounge. I had been saving them specifically for this trip. I climbed up the glass staircase and entered into this secret lounge. I was greeted by the front desk. She checked me in and rattled off the full amenities. Complimentary bar, appetizers, leather couches, computer stations, flat screens. It was like this hidden V.I.P area at the airport. I looked around and everyone seemed so relaxed and happy. It makes sense, there's nothing comfortable about the public area of the airport. Screaming kids, hard chairs, trash people are too lazy to throw away. However, the lounge- this was paradise.
I parked myself at the bar and got a Chardonnay. I met Tim, a software engineer for a firm in Pennsylvania. We had a few drinks and Tim, the bartender Larry and I became instant friends. I told them about my trip and how I bought an iPad so that I could write about the whole trip. I told them how I was starting my first Blog. Larry poured me another drink and chimed in that I must come up with a name for the Blog. Drinking wine and eating pretzels, we brainstormed a name together. After a few drinks, Tim asked what time I was heading to Milan. I had let time slip away from me and forgot when I needed to get to my gate. Larry told me it was 6:05pm, I pulled my ticket out of my bag and it read departure: 6:35pm. Here I was having a great time in New York and I almost missed my ticket out to something way more exciting! I said goodbye to my airport buddies and sprinted to the gate. I was the last person to board, but I made it. Not a great start but I did enjoy the company.
- comments
The Royal One Hey Chatty Kathy..... You wanna ease up on the talking and get on the plane??? Sheesh. How is one gonna get out of thr country if your getting all liquored up at th airport pub? Glad you made it. Interesting thing.... If you are the last one on the plane, no one is scared. If someone my size... Or even taller or wider, that's when people freak out in case they are sitting next to you. All smiles for a cutie coming on the plane last!