Yo yo yo! What is up?! How's it hanging and all that jazz! Firstly may I start by thanking wonderful sister Melanie for her very detailed yet boring recap of the week's events in Holby City.*Smacks face on desk*. I see that much effort went into it and so now will be getting a great night's sleep knowing Maria survived.Not.
Also I may like to point oot that you cannit no longer contact me via ye ol'telephone numbere that I have had since the age of 15 and you will now have to text Ant. Long story including some water and a new found confidence in my phone.
Phew, now the announcements are done, I will bore you with our travels....
Once upon a time, there was a couple who decided to embark on a trip to some temples. The End. That is basically what we did Wednesday in Siem Reap. We got up early doors (4.40!) to watch the sun kind of rise at Angkor Wat and after breakfast, went back and explored it properly. Then visited three other temples. Don't get us wrong, we enjoy culture and history bla bla bla, but once you have seen the best, you have seen them all. Not to mention the bloody down pour! That night we got back at around 4pm and I slept from 5pm until 7 the next morning. Bliss. Though couldn't have been a lot of fun for ant!
Yesterday we spent most of the day travelling on a coach. It doesn't sound like luxury but it really is to us after some of the bus rides we have endured! It also featured a showing of Titanic but none of us understood it as it was Cambodian dubbed. It even had its own rendition of 'my heart will go on' Cambodian styleee lol.
After we arrived here in Phnom Penh, we went out for a bite at a restaurant around the corner with the rest of the group. It wasn't the best of restaurants and the service was dump but beggers cannot be choosers!
Today was quite emotionally draining as we visited S21 where they tortured people under the reign of Pol Pot (not sure that is spelt correctly) and then the killing fields. It wasn't very nice and when we got a chance to walk around by ourselves, me and ant decided we didn't need to see anymore. It was too much for us to cope with. I'm sure if you already go with a wide knowledge of what happened, it could be a very interesting day out but we both said we'd probably recommend you read about it over actually going. Its very shocking when you go into the actual rooms and see the graphic pictures. But that's just us!
On a lighter note,we are going to the beach tomorrow, all together now, YEY!(clap clap clap clap)! Though we still have take a bloomin four hour bus ride to get there but as Guinness so rightly expressed, good things come to those who wait!
So there you have it, our past few days. I hope you have all exercised your abilities to stay awake whilst reading it (drops off herself)....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
P.s. (im not speaking in my sleep by the way) I still haven't touch a tipple as I still cannit face the stuff erlack. I''m all growed up!
Anyways, must dash, have to talk to a man about a gekko. Cioa (that's Cambodian for wait...Italian).
Oh pps, we are yet to stay in a hostel as the wonderful people at Gap Adventures have put us all up in our own rooms in every hotel we visit. Brilliant! Au revoir xxxxxxxxxxx
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