Sunday 26th May 2013
I slept well, although I was awake at just before 2am and I was unable to get back to sleep. I suppose if jet lag had to wake me up early today would be the best day. Around 2.40am I got up and dressed. My bags were all ready to go, so I took them out the room and tried to check I had everything with the little light I had.
I went down to reception and no one was there, I walked around but still no one came. It was 2.55am and I decided to ring the bell, quietly at first but then as no one came I rang it a few more times, gradually getting louder until someone on the sofa in the sitting room stirred and got up. It was the lady who could speak English. She said the taxi man normally rang the bell and as she turned on the intercom there he was. He came up the stairs, I asked the lady to check with him the price and it was 13,000 (I didn't want to find out it was more once we got there). He took my bag and once loaded in the taxi we were off.
The roads I thought in the city were busy for 3am, but they got quieter as we hit the motorway towards the airport. It was pitch black outside but relatively warm. I think the smog helped the darkness. The drive was in silence with just the radio playing some random English music. It was only a short drive, about 20mins so I was at the airport just after 3.20am. I paid the driver and collected my bags. I went inside and tried to find my check-in desk. I thought I found it (as my previous search on baggage allowance showed that Taca owned Lacsa), I joined the short queue that had already formed. I got peckish, so ate the banana I had. I doubted a couple of times I was in the right queue so I check on the boards and I seemed to be in the right place. They open the check around 3.45am and I moved with the queue. Once in the queue a man came through to check we had checked in online or by the quick machines. I hadn't, so I had to either join another queue or get out of the queue and check in. It was a simple process using the machine once I switched it to English and once I was finished the gentleman told me to join in the queue where I was. I was nervous at doing this, as I wasn't able to explain myself in Spanish. But I tried to join in at the end of the line which I was in and the lady was happy to let me in.
I went to the check in and showed my boarding pass and passport. The lady asked for my paper that I was given when I came into Chile. I didn't know where it was and tried to find it in my big bag but failed. I was worried I wouldn't be able to travel. But the lady said I needed to complete another form and make sure I get stamped. Once my bags were in I went through to departures straight away and got my stamp. I then went to find my gate and found a Starbucks near by, so I brought myself a large tea, got their wifi code and sat down until 5.30am (boarding was at 5.35am). During this time I ate an apple and some m&ms (although it was too early for sweets), and wrote some of my diary. I went to the gate at boarding time and had a little wait there until the gate opened. I joined the initial queue only to be hold by row wasn't boarding yet. When the next lot of people started to queue I joined again and this time got onto the plane.
I was in an emergency seat so I had plenty of leg room and it meant I wasn't technically the window middle seat, as there was only 2 with a gap between the window. It wasn't long before we were taxing onto the runway, it felt like the longest taxi ever. We were soon in the air, I didn't like my seat as you could hear much more and when things changes sounds I would worry. I was hoping we would get so food on our flight which was just under 4 hours. Before they brought breakfast out I started listening and playing on my phone as for some reason my headphones wouldn't work for the communal screen. Breakfast was severed, of an omelette with corn and ham, diced fruit, a bread roll and jam and an lemon pie flavoured oat bar. It wasn't the best airline food but it solved the problem of my hunger. Once I was done I listened to my music and tried to get some sleep, as I didn't want to waste the afternoon being tired. I think I may have dropped off slightly towards the end as I was startled by the announcement about descending. Once down and off the plane I went to find my connecting flight. Once in the building I had to go through security control again and it was simple to find my gate. There was a wait before the gate opened but just after 10am we were allowed to board the plane. It was a smaller plane and I was in the middle seat, but again I was an emergency exit seat so at least there was a little leg room. I remember closing my eyes before take off and I can't remember if I was awake for the ascent, but next thing I knew we were in the air the lunch was being handed out, it was chicken with pasta, a bread roll and a mini fruit salad. I also had a sprite and water, they didn't have tea!! After lunch I sat back and listened to music and played on my phone. Before landing they handed out forms for those staying in Ecuador, and I competed the form before landing.
Once on the ground, I went through immigrations, baggage reclaim and customs. Luckily I wasn't asked to go through the x-ray check so I was soon out of the airport. Once in arrivals I saw a sign for my hostel with a lady. I smiled at here and she checked my name on the back, have me a kiss and a yellow rose. It was so nice to have someone expecting you at an airport and not having I think about what to do.
She tried speaking Spanish at me and I tired saying I don't speak Spanish but she kept trying to talk. She brought a car park ticket and we went to the car. After attempting the one way system the wrong way we were soon off on the road. The airport was new and had only opened a few months ago. My first impression was that Ecuador wasn't as western as the countries I'd just been to but it was very different from Africa.
We drove for a while and with the sun coming in the window it was warm. The lady had said it would be about a hour to the hostel, she got herself a drink and got me a bottle of water even after I said I was fine. I struggled in the heat a d tiredness and soon feel asleep. I woke up and we were in a suburb of the city. The small streets going off which looks old and battered, but yet full of character and style. On the way to the hostel I asked to stop off at an ATM machine and she dually found one and I got some pennies out. I was unsure about the currency, so got two lots out. I soon realised they work is USD$, so it was easy to work rates out.
One the way to the hostel we drove past a large church and we stopped off for me to take a photo. It wasn't long before we were at the hostel and the owner came down and helped me in with my bags (and also spilt some money to pay for my taxi ride). Once in the hostel the owner showed me in, showed me my room, have me a map and took my passport details. I then made myself tea (as there was free tea and coffee) and went on my Internet with their wifi. I also looked at the map for some inspiration for what do in town. I had missed the sign up for the dinner and because it was late Sunday afternoon most things were shut. I sat in the hostel, talking to a few other guests and sent messages until 5pm. As much as I wanted to see the city I was shattered so thought a quite afternoon might be good. Once I headed out into town, I looked for the few places I was told about, mainly fast food. I had a look around and decided to just go to KFC, I was tired, it was the cheapest option and a bit of comfort food took my fancy. I just had a burger meal and sat in the restaurant and ate. I then headed back as dusk was falling and although the hostel was safe the neighbourhood was a little dodgy. It was also raining, and I nearly stacked it on the way home on some tiles. Back as the hostel (and let back in as we had to buzz to get in), I made a cup of tea and some biscuits. I was feeling low and tired and managed to get through 12 biscuits...opps. I sat in the dining room as people chatted writing my diary. I was still hungry a while after so ate a fruit bar. I then decided to have a shower when the hostel dinner was ready. I chatted to my room mate and we realised we were starting the same tour tomorrow (although he was only doing Ecuador and Peru), it was nice to chat to someone and find a friend from the tour.
I had a quick shower and packed my bags ready for tomorrow. I was going to see some churches and sights tomorrow before heading to the meeting hotel (and Stephen, new tour friend, said he would come too).
Once packs I heard singing of happy birthday from the dining room and I went to investigate. It was a young lads 14 birthday (I think he was linked to the hostel someway). The cake was cut up and I had a small slice of cake. I then made me a cup of tea and sat writing my diary and chatting to other people. It was a really friendly hostel, people were always here for advise and a laid back view (for example I didn't have to pay until I left).
Just after 9.30pm, I headed to my top bunk and continued to write before settling down to sleep.
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