Wooo! A big hello from Oztrallia (you like what I did there!?).
Hope everyone is doing well. Once again, a little update on our trip. Nice not to be pressured for time for once so I can babble for a bit about what we've been up to...
So like I said before, we had an awesome time in Fiji and actually miss it loads! Island hopping was incredible, if a bit hectic moving around all the time. But our pass allowed us to see much of the Yasawa islands (the north east side) which was lovely and spent nights on big islands/tiny islands/a boat/the mainland etc.... All very nice and I'm so up for another trip (Mr London). Lots of fresh food, hammock time, snorkeling, awesome locals etc etc... It was incredible and my blog and photos don't do enough! A little scared of the sharks at times but I believe I am getting better...
So, we're in Cairns now. Arrived here Friday afternoon (we're 9 hours ahead of UK) and checked into our Castway hostel, about 15 mins from the centre. Have had a few lazy days washing clothes, chilling and walking around. Been nice for a change before we start a busy few days tomorrow. Cairns is pretty nice, weather is weird in that it's boiling hot but rains in the morning, and actually raining whilst I write this now (5.40pm my time). Quite a pretty place but it seems all activites are gonna cost us a fortune. We're off to a place called Kuranda tomorrow, about an hour from here. It's a village in the Rainforest so getting my deet at the ready before I get any more bites. Seems now is the right time to mention the fact that I much have about 40 bites covering my body right now, pretty ugly arms. Convinced it may be bed bugs which is a huge problem among travellers but been to the pharmacy and told it may just be sand flies. Whatever it is, it's annoying and I itch like mad. Got some stuff to take though so hoping all will be well later. Just not enjoying the jeans and cardigan combo in this heat!!! Anyway, got side tracked, Kuranda tomorrow which we're both really looking forward to. We cable car up there (about an hour) over the rainforest, have a stroll around, get bitten some more and then head back to Cairns via and awesome scenic train. All very nice indeed. Have heard the Reef is not so great right now due to wind, but we're gonna try and get out Tuesday and see. Again, pretty expensive but it's another tick in the box and you can't come all the way to Cairns without a trip out on the Great Barrier, so they tell me! Excited all the same thought. Looked into doing a PADI dive couse back in Fiji, really cheap in comparison to some here but again, something I could do without spending a lot on and there's always next time in Fiji (Gary!!).
So, that's our next few days then. Staying now in a hostel right in town, 'Gilligan's' which is pretty nice. Booking our big bus pass which takes us to Sydney soon too which is cool. Looking to leave here maybe Wednesday and start moving down before we run out of time. Should be cool and hopefully meet lots of exciting people on the trip. Oh, before I forget, I've managed to get hold of an Oz mobile so can contact home easier now. Will text whoever I can so you have it. Message me or whatever if not and i'll text you with it. Only 25c a text to UK mobile so a really good deal indeed and it's pretty cheap to top up.
Well, I suppose that's all for now then. Hope everyone is well and you're all taking care. Miss you all very much, keep me in the know with how you are. Lots and lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxx from me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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