so quite a bit has happened since my last blog we've been moving around quite alot so I will write it similar to the last one with just the highlights of each day especially as my last blog took an hour to write I'm going to run out of time!
12th Feb Did some sightseeing around Noosa went into the woods, and onto the beach and through the national park did one of the shorter walks, had really good weather again though. walked to the cinema and saw He is Just not that Into You, it's quite funny although still not upto the standards of role models!
13th Feb Went to Australia Zoo today have loads of photos so I'll upload them when I can! but the computers are being very slow today so it won't be for a little while, it rained so hard all day had to wear a lovely little poncho looked amazing! but the pictures will do all the talking on this one!
14th Feb Went to a market in Eumundi, was okay but nowhere near as big as the ones in Melbourne when we went to those, was hoping to find a raincoat but had to go into the fishing shop when we got back for that, as it's been raining again all today. we were going to go out tonight but couldn't find anywhere to go so had a early night instead!
15th Feb Got onto my Oz Bus at 12pm heading to Rainbow Beachh for a night laura doesn't leave til later though so was on my own in Rainbow for a while was a very small place but quite cute. Went for a drink in the surf club when we were both there and then went down onto the beach to watch the sunset but there were a few too many trees to get a good view still it was nice, not sure on the rainbow coloured sand though I'd say more black and then normal colour!
16th Feb pancakes for breakfast wahey before getting on the bus to Hervey Bay, again I left before Laura. Got to Hervey Bay and had to wait for ages before actually got taken to the hostel. It's quite nice lots of small apartments and a big swimming pool, walked round and saw Clare, Holly and Sophie from Ozintro that was odd! sat by the pool for a while until Laura arrived then we headed into town, had dominos pizza tonight mmm.
17th Feb Fraser Island... well this was not what i was expecting all started off well me and laura were on shopping duties for our group were the first to finish and had money left over! got loaded up on the 4x4 and off we went on the barge on the way over we had thunder, lightening all sorts excellent. started driving on fraser and omg is it bumpy! Rowan was doing pretty well with the driving though! but within an hour we had major problems Amy's foot slipped as we went over a bump as the chair lifted up her foot went under and then the chair came down on her foot and a spike went through meaning she couldn't move her foot. so we had to get to the hotel as there are no doctors on the island and we lost her and her 3mates as they all went off to hospital she had to have surgery on that! yeah so first day not so great!
18th Feb Second day we saw some great sights and the weather was much better but sooo many big marsh flies which kept biting us was driving me mad! Also encountered a dingo on the way to the toilet that night oh and saw a massive snake pictures to follow!
19th Feb Thank god we are going home today, oh yesterday forgot to say Abi had a leech attached to her feeding away eugh! so today we went to lake makenzie was really pretty but not sure it has been worth all the hassle!
20th Feb Early bus again for me today going up to 1770, had a curry for lunch on the way was good! once we got to 1770 I went Scooterooing. They are bikes like harley davidsons but they only have the engine of a scooter so quite safe saw an amazing sunset got some really good pictures of that!
21st Feb had to get up early for my bus again attempted to straighten my hair but it was way too hot for that! Got to Kroombit the Cattle Station whilst some people went off to goat muster on horse back me and some of the other girls walked up the hill that is in the middle of the place got some really good views up there! it was 43degrees though far too hot for walking up hills! watched lots of painful activites and then went to bed with sooo many bugs in our room didn't get much sleep!
22nd Feb finally on our way to airlie beach today, been raining on and off all day though :( Met Laura in Airlie she was there before me having done and overnight bus from 1770! went out tonight was a good night lots of places to go all quite packed too!
23rd Feb Raining sooo much today not looking good for our whitsundays! went to the local shopping centre to try and spend some time out of the rain, went into coles got our spaghetti and pasta sauce. had a night in watching tv (we have one in our room happy days!) so neighbours followed by the biggest loser couples, and then australias so you think you can dance then fell asleep about half8!
24th Feb Pancake Day and we don't have anyway of making them :( so we went into the shopping centre to get some mix but then we saw eagle boys had a deal on their pizza a large for 5.50! decided to get pizza and have pancakes tomorrow instead! Went out tonight but didn't drink and didnt stay out as long this time.
25th Feb wow this is taking an hour again to write this update should really try and do them more often. anyway so today we went to the bead shop and made our own bracelets then attempted to make the pancakes but they were just sticking to the pan every time so gave up after one batch as we were eating scrambled pancakes and its just not the same! Packed everything up as we are off to the whitsundays tomorrow!
26th Feb woke up and the sun is shining yay! got to the boat and was told because of my asthma I'm not allowed to dive which is no problem by me as I don't think I could think of many things worse than being that far under water! got onto our boat and went to whitehaven looks really pretty did lots of funny pictures but can't upload them atm as it's on disk and was taking forever!
27th Feb Wow our cabin is cramped but we made it to the morning! went to another beach the one in the picture of the blog actually although it didn't look 100% like that but that si the same place. Took loads more photos and then spent the night on the boat lokoing up at the stars saw venus next to the moon too! the stars are sooo bright out here.
28th Feb Last day on the whitsundays stayed on the front of the boat for most of the journey back was getting absolutly soaked! once we were back on land went back to our hostel and then unpacked and showered we actually didnt shower the whole time we were on the boat euw! was good to shower!! went out tonight will the crew off the boat was a good night shame the big club still isn't open though!
1st March today and my last entry for now! not doing anything today maybe a bit of sunbathing and then packing everything up as we leave tomorrow heading for Townsville where we go to Magnetic Island from! Anyway that's me upto date now! hope everyone is well and the weather has got better!!! xxxx
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