Hola! Hope everyone is well! Im into my second week in Mexico already, where is the time going?
Im loving Playa Del Carmen, its a real holiday place, id reccomend it for a holiday with your mates or something. The beach and the main streets have a nice atmosphere and everything you need is here n its reasonably cheap!
My Mexican family are lovely, theres Irma and Ruben and their 3 children, Ruben is the only one who speaks a little English! In the first week there were 7 other students in the house aswel (its a big house), this week though there is only 3 of us!
Im enjoying school although im not very good at Spanish, im having conversation lesson this week which are an extra thing iv paid for. Im not so bad with understanding Spanish, i always seem to know whats being said at the dinner table, and im getting to know more and more vocabulary but i just find it hard to put everything into a sentence! Il keep at it though!
I went swimming with Dolphins yesterday, it was great. I got to hold them, kiss them and have a ride holding onto their fins, i was in the water with them for about 1 hour. The centre were it took place was good, there were loads of other animals, seals, manatee's, monkeys etc. I have some pictures but im gona wait till I get to Chris and Nancy's to put them on coz some are a bit dark and some blurred n they dont do my experience any justice!
Thanks for still looking at my journal, leave me a little note to say Hi when you look coz keep thinking you have all forgotten about me!  Speak soon! xx
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