Hello all,
Goa is a really tough place, its terrible having to sit in the sun and drink cold beers!! Keep checking the website as we should have some decent photos to post later this week...when we finally get off this beautiful, but monotonous beach!
Later Robx
Rachel T
hey u, hows things i'm jelous already, oo and mat just taught me to play poker but i sucked i need to practice!!! missing already hope travels are going well, i have purple hair check me out!! lots of love and hugs from portsmouth love u Rach xxx
Clesbian, ur fotos r fantastic!!!im soooooooooo jealous!!!We had a funny number as a missed call on r fone 2day!!!was it u? if it was soz babe 4 missin ur call!!!!Hope ur ok thou!!2mrw ive got an interview 2mrw im well nervous!!!Cant wait 2 hear from u love ya loads!!!!!say howdy ho to sideshow bob 4 me!!!!!love ya loads n loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What can I say Miss Hebbourn, It's sunday afternoon and it's pissing with rain and I find some pictures have arrived on your site!!! I'm sooooooo wanting to be there right now, you lucky things! Great to see you both looking well (no Deli-Belly yet then!!!) Take care you smelly pair!! x x x x x
Hey you guy's, pictures are amazing, your making everyone here sooooo jelous! Glad to see your having such a brilliant time though....and that you havn't sold Claire off to some crazy old Indian yet Rob (and likewise to Claire....I know I would have by now!) Only teasing, missing you like crazy hun, thanks for all the emails and such.....take care, love Amy xxxxxxxx
p.s. hold him down and give him a hair cut! xx
hey hand twin, i hope your having a wicked time! see i told you rob would look after you, or more to the point you probably have to look after him! get my e-mail of rob, i'd love to hear from you! take care xxx
Hey Claire, Sounds like ur having a fantastic time!!! Just seen the photos. Will email back soon, take it easy. xx
Uncle Dave & Auntie Pat.
Hiya Claire,
So far we have received your "E" mails. I have sent areply but because you said writ to me , I guees you have not recieved it yet. It sure sonds like you are having a lovely time..............BUT YOU BE BLOODY CAREFUL. How long have you done the runner for Ha Ha . It's quite nice today a bit windy but dry for a change. The temperature here is in about 37 in the shade but we are learning like you to live with it Ha Ha Ha Ha .........we wish.
OK...........as your old Unc said enjoy, but think about how far you are from home, and then go and get pissed again.
We loves ya loads and are thinking of you.
God Bless.
Uncle Dave & Auntie Pat and Sue & Elyska. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How about this? We're on the net!! Will write again to give you all the gos' - just checking now to see if this works!! Take care - love you lots & lots xxxxxxx
HOWDY HO!!! hello my sweet! i miss ya loads n loads!!got an interview monday n another 1 nxt wk woohoo!!! hope u r ok!!! Dont 4get me!! Ive got a new mobile numba so when i find it i'll giv u it!! Giv me a bell even if its 4 a minute!! b good 2 no ur ok!!!Hope ur havin a class A time!!!Love u loads n loads ur girlfriend miss wilds xXxXxXxXxXxXxXx
Heloise And Paul
Alright hunny!
I hope your having a really fab time and we miss you loads already!
Dont worry your not missing much here, just the usual pub days and the crap whether day in day out. Unlike you, wish we were there.
The best news i think so far, is me and Paul got engaged on Valentines Day!
Anyway enough about us, hope to speak to you soon and enjoy yourself and i we are still keeping the promise of lookig after Rik.
Love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxx