hey claire! looks like your having an amazing time out there. pics are fab! tell rob that his car is a nice ride! lol, pete bought it on tuesday! we will look after it for him! glad to see your looking well! x x x
Uncle David
Hello you globe trotters,
Just to let you know me and your Untie Pat are thinking of you. Have you tried the local food yet?
or had a ride on an elephant? I have been told the beaches are real cool and perfect for chilling out. We hope you are have a wonderful time Claire. When and where are you off to parstures new? Oh by the way our weather is crap Ha Ha So enjoy every minute of your tropical sun, sand and adventure. Just be careful. I will send another massage next week, in the meantime ENJOY.
PS. Have an ice cold beer for me. x
Robski, having a blast as usuall on your traveling experience!!! Im just spewing i cant be there with ya!!! Well keep living it up while it lasts!!! Your a gun
Andrew Newell
Hiya travellers, I have found you all by myself online!!! Getting used to this technology lark!
The pictures look great, looks like you're having a fantastic time.
Now i have an email address, gonna keep up to date with your travels.
Went bowling for my birthday with the gang last night, had a good time. Catch up soon. xxxx
hello darlin, the pictures are awesome, looks like ur having a wicked time!! india looks amazing!! miss ya xx
Claire Great to see you looking so well everyone crowded in our large office reading all your news soon i may be the only one left hope your bowels are holding up look forward to the next episode
Hey ladies (yeah that includes you rob), Looks like you are having a fantastic time, but I'm not jealous in the least...I went on the met office website and ordered cold wet weather to follow you around for the next ten months. Portsmouth is so warm and sunny, and to top it all off, all the chavs have been rounded up and put in a boat bound for India...excellent! Keep the pictures coming, and rob, you should try and collect a new homo multi coloured top from each country you visit. Take care guys!
Jessica Rabbit
Hi there hebbourn, your photos are amazing! im so bloody jealous, im stuck at work and its sooooo cold outside, wish i was hanging out on that beach with u guys! hope you're both keeping well, can't wait to see more photos soon. missing you millions babe, love u lots x x x x x x x
Jessica Rabbit
Auntie Leni
Hi Claire and Rob too.
Just seen your pics and appriciate you doing freelance work for me in India, providing me with pictures for my H & S horrors file...lol
Hope you are have as much fun you can possibly have. Will follow your trip.
Hugs Leni xxx
thanks everyone for ur lovely messages.good to hear from u all. as rob said there is only so many beach pics u can take so put some more on soon. miss wilds! will try and phone again soon.hope ur o.k?. its a bit expensive for me though! trying to live on 6 pounds a day to save for aus!!!!!