Hey my little hunnybunny, just wanted to send you both loadsa love and cuddles coz we are all missing you loads!!! Just looked at all the latest pictures and they are fab!!! We are always thinking of you and keeping track of your progress - so glad that you are still enjoying every second of it. I just hope that I can see half as much as you've seen at some point in my life!! Hehe!! Anyway, keep the e-mails and pics coming, we all love them. Take good care of each other and keep on having fun and making the most of every wonderful opportunity that comes your way!!! All our Love, Hugs, Kisses and Smiles, Lianne and the rest of us!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4 days...hee hee.......! x
Tinted Car Matt
Hey Guys
Was great 2 c u in Thailand. What a f***ing great place! Think I'd better get back there soon...but with more cash, so I don't have to give my watch away!
Anyways, great photos - saved them all to my computer. Think I may have one of Matt that u may want... watch this space - get mine back tomorrow. Hopefully. Hehe.
Hope both of u r enjoying Malaysia. England is ok. Back to the old routine, but nevermind. Glad to be back in a some ways, but wish I was back in Thailand somewhat. Different world and all that. My dogs were pleased to see me back, at least.
Not a lot has changed - same s*** different day. Glad to be driving again. Missed that.
Went down to Devon 2 c a friend this weekend. Was good. Went shooting, and saw some pretty sweet warships in Plymouth.
Not sure I like Plymouth that much, but the warships were good. Had to watch my arse on the M5 (after last time!). At least it's not as bad as Thailand!!!
Australia should be sweet. Not long now!
Take care.
hey u, me again just to say that claire had a little girl on friday 19 may. they have called her tabitha faye and she weighed 9lb 3oz! claire is fine, she had a cecsarian in the end! hope ur having a brilliant time lots of love xxxx
Backpacker X
I no hear from you........... where u be @?? Still in Vietnam?? Speak........
Julie And Peter
Hi ya you guys, been watching your jouney with interest - you have been busy - and met a lot of interesting people along the way. What with you and Amy away at the same time, we are on the computer all the time. You are obviously having a fantastic journey with lots of wonderful memories that will last forever. Amy tells me that you may be meeting up with her in Perth. She changed her plans quickly last weekend, so has arrived there 3 weeks earlier than she should have. I hope you guys meet up - she certainly has been busy but misses us all and will look forward to some company. Rob please give her a big hug and kiss from us both, we miss her very much. Have a great time in Aus - I am keeping the girls at work posted on both your journeys as they ask how things are from time to time. Even Ian comes to talk to me now as his son is over there too. Take care and as they say down under Go Well. Love from Julie and Pete xxx
Dani And Smee
hello hope ur ok, looks like ur having a wicked time, pictures are amazing! not alot happening here, claire's baby is due next week, its exciting!!! she is huge. we are all off to ascot on the 22nd june, most of the girls are wearing bushes in their hair hehe. we'll have a glass of champagne for u! we'll take some pictures and try and send some to u. we all miss u, lots of love xxxxxxxxxx tracy's dads computer isn't working, but when its up and running she'll email u!! xx
Uncle Dave.
Hello Claire, Thanks for the "E" mail. So you have made some new friends............leeches. The only trouble is they do tend to become very clingy Ha Ha . Where are you now? It is pouring down with liquid sunshine today Monday 8th May. But, we have been threatened with better weather soon?????????? Ha Ha . Pat, Sue, David Jnr, and Elysha send their love love OH,and me. How dare you insinuate that I drink, how absolutely rude. I do admit I like a glass or two, but only when there is a Y in the day Ha Ha Ha . You know the wine will not be waisted because of your absence........your Mum will see to that Ha Ha . I had a nice "E" mail from your brother when he was in Spain working with the Mcclaron racing car crew. He is fine and just loves his work. I spoke to your Mum and Dad the other day. they were suffering from the night before..........which is very unsual Ha Ha . NO, they are just fine too. Ha Ha. Well I better leave all your friends and family a space on your Message board. Take care Claire, enjoy, we all miss you. Lots of love from all at 100.xxxxxxxxxxx
hi guys managed to have a few moments to myself while ians sat with my baby boy! george thomas born on the 7th march 5lb 1oz all well and healthy and you guys look it to! seems like your having an amazing time! very jelous! will send you an e mail soon. take it easy guys, lovins x
Porn Star
Claire, i just thought id say did it remind u of me when i rang u?
Aunty Gill
Hi Claire
just been looking at your website. It looks as if you are having a great =
time.Uncle Peter and I may be doing our own tour of the world soon as he =
is about to retire. oh no! sorry I think that should be a tour of the =
old folks homes. We will be holidaying in sunny Devon this summer so we =
envy you.
Anna Nigel and Jennifer are all well. Katy and Steve are fine too. They =
had a great time in America.
anyway Claire carry on enjoying your great adventure.
Love you lots and lots. From aunty Gill xxxx and uncle Peterxxxx
Hi guys hope your keeping well, The places look absolutely gorgeous, You both look so happy and well. Our tans over here come outta bottles at the mo!!
Sophies getting big now shes turning into such a girly girl!!! Shes such a happy baby!! And missing her Auntie Claire!! Im getting my hair cut at your salon next week, better be up to your standards tee hee.
Well you take it easy. isnt it great not having to work?? Big kiss to you both MWAH XX