Hey Megster, Just saw your other messages now calling you my fav neice would be favourtism i have no fav's i loves you all the same hahaha xxxx
Hey megastar, good that your braces didn't hurt we watched the wedding in an english pub called the pig & whistle had some bubbly to help them celebrate even though i'm sure my invite was lost in the post!! I hear grandad derek fell off his chair hahaha i miss all the fun see you soon only 3 wks now miss you lots and lots.
Auntie Claire xxxxxxxx
hey i got braces now they didnt heart wot u doin this weekend its the royal wed today i like her dress but its a bit old fashoin were all havin a barie q at my house it was delies lov u loads byyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey miss u loads!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxxx hope u havin great time i wanna hug a koala bear
Hey!! claire got yor post cards goin on holiday with paul becky and lauren and rece on fri cant wait lol!! u nevr guss wot im havin bracies in 3 weeks time mood=scared ive got 2 weeks off nw cuz its eastr yepee speak to u soon lov yor fav nice!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey!! claire got yor post cards goin on holiday with paul becky and lauren and rece on fri cant wait lol!! u nevr guss wot im havin bracies in 3 weeks time mood=scared ive got 2 weeks off nw cuz its eastr yepee speak to u soon lov yor fav nice!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Meg,
Sorry for late reply not been on here in a while! Our spaceship is bright orange so we cant be missed haha it's been good fun on our road trip! That's good that your happy about Broadlands cant believe you are going to senior school!! Seen lots of Croc's but mainly in Zoo's they don't just wonder along the highway haha. Although we did see a roo hoping along!! Oh don'nt think i've heard that song is it new??? xxxxx
hey claire herd that u got a camper van wot colours is it this year year 6 will oin battle of bands were singen price tag by jessie j realy good singer best song in world im a shopper at front of stage nervous comin up is sats for me!!! got in to broadlands chuff!!lol cant wait to go and get uniform and aree u havin nice time in austraila seen any crockaies omg talk to u later lovs u lots mogz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!
heya wubu2 lately nice party she still wearing her out fit wot u gave her she lovs it to biits this weekend i stayed at grannys speak to u later lov u lots megsxxxx
heya wubu2 lately nice party she still wearing her out fit wot u gave her she lovs it to biits this weekend i stayed at grannys speak to u later lov u lots megsxxxx
hi got your message im fine gettin nervous and excited about secondary school realy want to go to broadlands hope uhave a nice time in Koh Samui and hope the hotel is nice and comfy say hi to mel from me jessie is gettin excied about tomor missin u always speak to u later by from megsxxxxxx
Hi Megs, Have a bit of a tan but hopefully after a few more weeks it will be even better!! Was a bit cloudy today so didn't get much sun. Hope your ok? Missing you lots will hopefully speak to you soon xxxx
M & D, we did spread bad comments about him around so hopefully no one else will book with the horrid man!! 1000 bhat is about 22quid so not a major amount but still... Missing you too xxxxx
Gough girlies I'm still having a fab time went to a beach party which was a giggle. Hope your all good?
Was gonna try and put the rest off my blog on for Kho Tao and Phangan today but not had chance will hopefully update when get to Koh Samui tomorrow xxxx