Barcelona, Spain Jul 26, 2011 Today is our last day in Barcelona. Went to the Gauldi park ( freaky, this guy had to be on acid) Had final meal together before leaving Barcelona heading to LIvorno (Italy) by boat.
Barcelona, Spain Jul 20, 2011 A little bit hung over from a great night out with family. We all ventured of the the most beautiful church in the world sagrada familia. Then of to the LA Rumbla. Lots of tapas and drinks filled the rest of the day as a group. Matt has been in Amsterdam getting high( on life) we keep in touch every day, he is having a great time window shopping ( I think). We all went to my favorite tapas bar eating fio GRAS.
Barcelona, Spain Jul 19, 2011 Today we arrived in Barcelona, Sofie my sister in law met us at the airport. We then went down to the port to meet up with my sister (Debora) and her husband (Greg) who have just come from Venice by boat. We then went to Gracia for dinner (Tapas) till 2.00am in the morning telling story's, laughing and of course getting merry.