Merry Christmas!!
Christmas edition as promised, and its probably going to be the best one yet, a few funny stories, one fantastic day, and of course Christmas down under!
So I will start with the 23rd-(Mums might want to stop reading now and skip a few paragraphs…sorry) Uncle Steve has a Triumph Speed Triple 1050, only a year old, in black. Amazing! After speaking to him at the house party a few days earlier, he offered to take me and C out for a ride, happy days an offer we couldn't refuse! It was a boiling hot day, Aunty Kaz picked us up in the car, we did rock paper scissors for who went first, and "great success" my rock beat his scissors, so I hopped on the back an off we went. C and Kaz followed in the car…I mean tried to follow while Steve and I ripped it up the road. (At this point mums if you're still reading, I will explain Steve is a class act on motorbike and we were very safe). He started with a few "Mono's" (wheelies), we then cruised the twisty roads, and finished with a long straight where we hit a 'legal' speed of 210kmph which is just over 130mph. It was immense! But my time was up and after we had lunch it was C's turn.At this point I had become a member of the '210kmph Club'
(Quick change of writer)
Well, I've never been on a motorbike before, but it was amazing! Struggle finding words to describe how good it was, we were just behind the car when as if by magic a nice looooonnnnnnng straight appeared….bye bye car, doing a "mono" as we passed, then back through the same windy roads that were used on the way, slowing down at some points, the countryside was brilliant, and it would be a great way to see a lot of countries. We then 'luckily' come across another straight and with Barnesie already in the '210' club, all I needed was the '211' club!!! Well we actually smashed that, and I was welcomed with my first trip on a motorbike to the '230' club! And what a club it is, the adrenaline was definitely pumping! We then stopped to wait for the car which was slowly following on, when they arrived we made a couple of videos and took some pictures which we've uploaded, it was in a side road, very quiet, didn't see one car drive down it the whole time we were there so it was very safe! Check out the videos…..immense!
(Quick change back )
So with C in the '230' club and me feeling like a far less superior passenger Steve said it'll only be fair to get me in that club! So off we went, back down the road, and low and behold…… I'm a fully fledged member of the '230kmph club' Wooooooooooooo! (142mph by the way!)
Great Stuff! Massive thanks to Kaz and Steve for a top day.
Christmas eve, we spent around George and Mavis' playing cricket with the whole family (bout 18-20 in total) Me an C didn't do too bad, the pitches different to PSC AJ, and some bias umpiring decisions, but was good session. Then C pulled out our rugby ball and decided for a nice one sided game of boys v girls, no prizes for guessing who came out on top! That was followed by a visit from 'Santa' as you can see in the pics me an C were delighted to meet him and explain we wouldn't be in Filton this year! J
So we thought it would only be polite to go out Xmas eve sample the festive nightlife, not bad to be fair, ended superbly. One quick story, walking from one bar to another, (just me and C) there was this girl in front who was …. Ummmmmmm…. FITTTTTTT! She turned round……looked at us both…… and said…………. In her Australian accent……..." which one of you is wearing Armani Code?" . Now, at this point I will tell you it defo wasn't me. So I was hoping my travel, drinking, and '230 club' partner had slapped on the code before we left. In the coolest of cool movements, C looked at her, pointed…. Paused…. Pointed at himself…..paused….. and nodded, confirming that it was him with the scent. The slickest move ever…..unfortunatley (for C) this was all in vain, she strolled further and was joined by her what looked like her boyfriend. (who stank. of brut! Ha joking of course).
After a few drinks, it was home time, now normally in Bristol it would be big bucks in the early hours of Christmas morning for a taxi. But somehow, don't ask me how, and this time I don't think it was C's Armani Code we managed to not only get a taxi but a LIMO! Pimp. We cruised round for a bit, Liv picked a couple of her mates up an dropped them home. So we got a good ride before going back home, then a few snaps of us in and out of the limo. (bit better than a push bike AJ) O yea, we never paid either, a free ride is always better too (cheers Liv). Even Vinnie and Belinda came outside at 3am to see the commotion the Limo was causing. Good times.
So Christmas day….. There is a pic of what the sky looks like, just clear blue, 30degress. Did the present's thing in the morning, followed by the cooking….. Yep that's right I got on the cooking. Basically the Aussies don't have sausages wrapped in bacon….( I know crazy) so I took it upon myself to cook em'. O my days it wasn't easy I tell you, preparation… timing….very stressful. Belinda had 18 peolple for Christmas lunch, and did a quality job as usual with the food. The champagne campaign started at about 11am with a few cheeky glasses going down, then more cold beer accompanied lunch. As we write this blog now actually, we are sipping on the "Magners' (yep managed to find somewhere that's got it).
Boxing day round Vinnie's family tomorrow, chill out Saturday and onto Sydney on Sunday, and countdown for new years!
We just want to say, we've had a fantastic start to this trip and it defo wouldn't have been possible without Vinnie and Belinda! You've been great! So we can't thank you enough!
So, hope you all have a good Christmas and a Happy New Year!
From C and Me
Ta Da for now!
(next blog, mmmm roughly around early Jan)
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