JB here.
So having secured work in the 'wonderful' Te Puke, it was time to get the 21st Birthday celebrations underway!
We decided to head to Auckland for the weekend, jumped on the coach in TP on the friday at around mid-day, it was about a 5hour journey so not so bad, however we both knew that the return would be horrible (if only we were to know just how bad).
Got to Auckland in time to check in to the hostel and have shower, then got a taxi to Eden Park- Auckland Blues vrs Highlanders. Our second Super 14's match was better than the 1st inside 45seconds, 7 zip. happy days, the game was good and the birthday beer was flowing too! Think the blues won 28-6 in the end? At the end of the game the players came round and signed programmes for the children.....including the biggest child of them all... C JELF! ha he was like a 8year old running round getting his programme signed. We managed to convince a few of the players to have a picture with us, to which they obliged which was pretty cool. At some point during the autographs and pics the programme had somehow been super glued to C's hand?! Dont think it came out of it all night!
Then we headed into town for some more birthday Irish bar provided us with Cider, and plenty of it. Thanks to us having the cameras on us i can recall the rest of the night! There are photos of me with police man? C with a chip basket on his head? But i do remember throwing up. Oooops.
So on the saturday we did minimal sightseeing in Auckland, and were in the pub by 3pm drinking more cider. This time C used his Rugby nouse to create a 2 player drinking game invloving chess and bulmers. Taking a Pawn= 2fingers/swigs Castle=3fingers Knight=4 Bishop=5 Queen=5. Placing the opponent in Check, would result in 2fingers. I think C won the actuall game off chess but he drank more so who won really? Anyway we were both winners because we were both hammered by 4pm having put away 6pints. O dear. Down Hill from here is what your thinking..... Nu uH!
A hearty tea of lamb Shank for C and Guiness Pie for me steadied the sinking ship. Back for a "SSS" and back out on the tiles.
We headed to a backpackers bar in town and again if it wasnt for the camera being out im not sure if i'd be able to recall the rest of the night.
I know we cut alot of carpet in a few bars/clubs. I do recall meeting C's twin brother! ha never knew he had one! Again another random pic with police?! Also one quote of the night.
JB- "C what do you want"
C- " ahhhh anything but Sambuca"
Barman- "what can i get you"
JB- "2 Black Sambuca's please...and 2 Corona's to wash it down"
Please see the photos for the reaction.
Class night....happy birthday me.... ha..... if only i knew what was to follow the next day....
Woke up on my 21st Birthday to the Chinese cleaner in the Hostel vacuming the floor next to my bed shouting "YOOO OVA SLEEP"
Checked the phone... boom.... 11.30am... late checking out... luckily the guy at reception was sound, noticed it was my b-day an didnt charge us.
I have honestley never felt so bad in all my days!! Its ironic on the anniversary of my brith i felt so much like i was dying! The coach ride was hell having already been sick, i was waiting 5hours to get off!
When we finally got home i made a couple of birthday calls in between being sick again an went to bed! C claimed it was up there with one of the worse hangovers he has ever had, but it was definatley mine. But a class weekend, class.
The next morning we walked to work in the rain and started out careers in the Packhouse.
Basically for 12hrs a day 5and a half days a week we stack boxes of Kiwifruit (or pack em sometimes) Its pretty boring stuff, but we need the money for South America, and all that hard work will stand us in good sted for Peru (Vinnie HA).So welcome to the working world again 60 hours clocked up this week. But there are lots of South Americans working there so plenty of oppourtunity to practice my Spanish, talk football and score us invitations to Brazilian house parties!
We are staying at a lodge/hostel with lots of other South Americans, its a real cool pad, and the Owner is ringer for Woody from Toy Story. "Thhhhheeeerrreeee a Snake in my booooots!"
So we'll probs be here for another 6weeks?
Make sure you check both blogs! and of course keep those messages coming!
(sorry its been a month since the last one, like buses i guess!)
Love to you all.
JB and C
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