Two from Germany and one from London.
First of all sorry, for this late blog, but keep your pants on here come another one!
We arrived in Bangkok, massively sunburnt from a boat trip that we didn't write about. This resulted in J looking like Quasimodo (in the face) and can now say, she knows what it would be like to have botox due to the fact that the swelling made her facial features immobile for three days.
After having put our stuff down, we went out to dinner with John and Bhoom, our hosts, and John's brother Brooke. We ate dinner by the river, where we watched the lightning dance across the sky.
The next day, we decided to be culturally involved and visit The Grand Palace. When we got there, C was told she was immorally dressed, and had to rent an ill-filling sarong - let's just say it didn't make her outfit. Inside the temple, the girls quickly became aware, that people may have thought they had come to prey, considering the fact that they looked like burn victims: J looked like Quasi, K's arms looked like neon signs and C's nose looked like Michael Jackson's when it was falling off. Note the reason why there are no pictures of us at the temple.
What is there really to do for three girls in Bangkok? If you guessed shopping, you were right! Which leads us to the next day, where we went to BMK (thanks Emily). 7 floors of heaven for three girls like us! After having looked around for a while, we settled on a cute little shop selling bags. J fell in love with a bag and asked the shop keeper what colours she had the bag in. The shop keeper replied, " I haf da green one, the blag one, da led one ahn da gol one"K then said in Danish, "what is led?" J replied in a soft voice "it's red," while trying to hold back her laughter. As J continued her conversation with her shop keeper, K had still not heard an answer, so again she asked, "What is led?"J again replied, "it's red!" (J doesn't like to repeat herself). Again K had not heard the answer, and by the time she asked again, J and C were convulsed with laughter, while K was slightly agitated that no one was answering her. Long story short, she now knows what led means, and that asian people often pronounce their r's as l's.
On our way to the train station to book our tickets for Phi Phi Island, we had a rather interesting encounter with a cab driver. We get into the taxi, J sliding into the front seat, and C and K into the back seat while speaking Danish (Sigrun arn't you happy?!) The taxi driver says to J, "Guten tag." J replies, "thank you, but we're not German, we're Danish." He then says, "In Thailand, german people velly fat, while looking back towards C and K. J smiles and says, "ok, but we're not German." He then says, " You from England?" J quite annoyed right now says, " No, I'm Danish." After a few seconds of silence, he smiles a toothless smile at J, and says "So, two from Germany (C+K)and one from London (J)." At which C and K burst out laughing! C looks at K and says, " You know, he's talking about us two." When K finally stops laughing, she replies, "I don't know what's worse, being called a German or being called fat?" (No offense to the Germans). When we arrived at the train station, the taxi driver says to C, " fat people walk velly slow," and laughs as C steps out of the cab. After this we get our bus tickets and go home.
Though five minutes afterwards we received a call from the people we would be staying with, in Hua Hin, that it made more sense to take a cab, so we returned the tickets.
The next day, we flew to Phuket, and took a boat to Phi Phi Island. When we started to walk to our hotel, the heavens opened above us and we were drenched through and through. We arrived at our hotel to a huge room, with two TVs, two double beds and one very dysfunctional bathroom. We don't mean this in a prissy way, we actually mean dysfunctional. From the moment we got there, to the moment we left that toilet was flooded. On Phi Phi Island, we sunbathed until it rained, where we went back to the hotel and chilled. We definitely needed some R and R, after a lot of hard partying and shopping (stop rolling your eyes at us). Therefore the massage parlours were often visited, and I don't think our nails have ever looked that good! One night when K unfortunately had a migraine, J and C decided to explore the night life on the dead island. On the way to the two bars that exsisted in our town, they ran into a man with a monkey. He asked them if they wanted to say hello, which they did. Of course they wanted to, so they shook hands with it, while C cooed "hello little monkey!" To which the owner replied, "No monkey, Gibbon." C said ok, and then again said, "hello little monkey." The owner again said, "NO, no monkey, Gibbon." Again nodded her head and smiled ok. She then said, "Hello little monkey. " By the third the dude was pretty agitated, and said " NO, not a monkey, but a Gibbon!" At which point C finally understood that he meant, it was a gibbon, and not a monkey.
After five days of relaxation, we headed back to Phuket. Here we were picked up by the taxi driver, driving us to Hua Hin. This was a long ride, which would take 8 hours; luckily the man was a big fan of pit stops, so we raided every single Seven - Eleven and toilet breaks. Speaking of toilet breaks, fun fact: sometimes you pee on yourself, when you're using a squatter toilet (J + C, both experienced this first hand). When we arrived in Hua Hin, we were met with luxury, rugbroed and functioning toilets!) C unfortunately got sick and had to go to the hospital. Don't worry, nothing serious - this is just protocol here. When you're sick you go to the hospital here. She's fine now. J and K spent their time in the pool, where they saw a snake. Well, not in the pool, it was being removed by the gardeners, but had been found right by K's chair. It got thrown in the Ocean. Next day C stayed home, whilst J and K went riding on elephants. Their elephant was named Susa and very cute. They loved her very much! They also visited the biggest Buddha in Thailand and did some more pool swimming. It was lots of fun driving through town, because Thailand was celebrating their version of New Years, aka. Sung Kran. Which meant, everyone poured water on each other!
Now, we are back in Bangkok preparing to leave for Sydney tomorrow. J would like to tell everyone that she bought a nice pair of glasses.
We are gonna sign off for now, we are exhausted and want to go to sleep.
Having a little trouble uploading, so rest may come later.
Auf Wiedersehn,
The two germans, und zha wohn von London.JAAHHH... Sehr gut...
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