Dog shelter. Tough place. Lots of work on little food but am a little sick of thinking about it. At once a harrowing and amazing experience. Toughest place have ever been for sure Transnistria a breakaway republic that wants the USSR to still be alive. Unfortunately it is not (well for Transnistria). But this region has always been much more russian than elsewhere in Moldova and Putin happily uses it as leverage to prevent Moldova acceidng to the EU or NATO or being annexed by Romania. Indeed, imminent Romanain Annex of Moldova in 1992 was the very reason war broke out leading to the breakaway republica creation.
Still, interesting being in a place that doesn't exist. Tiraspol the capital is very Russian. Lots of Lenin monuments etc. But to be honest it's quite full here.. Tomorow I head to Ukraine for the night/2 days to be somewhere more interesting and hopefully sunnier.
So strange going back to Odessa. Not a place I thought I'd go back but it's there and it's a pain to go to Romania early due to buses/distances. Here's to hoping the border is easy. And I sleep.easy tonight. And my local pork stew is nice!
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