Hi Guys!!
Sorry about the wait, we´ve been stuck with next to no electricity in the Pantanal, which we have just emerged from. Last time i wrote in this must have been back in Rio, and so much has happened!!!
So... Firstly, have met the group I´m goignt to be spending the next 2 months with and everyone is lovely, ranges from a bunch of 18 year olds to this absolutely crazy 65 year old who dances like a bear on ecstacy!
Our first day we went on an awesome boat trip in Parati, which took us all around the coast where we could go snorkelling and see all the little fishies, that was awesome! It had possibly the most horrifc rain on that day and such a crazy thunderstorm to the point where Rose and I actually were screaming as it was that scary! Had to walk back in Monsoon style rain and by the time we got back it looked like we´d gone swimming!
Next stop for us after 2 days on the truck and free camping, which might i add is so funny! We have been playing a never mind the buzcocks style guess the music game, which is brilliant!! But yeah, next we went tothe Pantanal, which is further north in Brazil, where we were picked up from our truck and taken down this really muddy, wet dirt track for 2 hours all piled into the back of a jeep, and got taken to the farm we were staying in for the next 3 nights. The farm was hilarious, run by this Brazilian called Murilo, which just had hundreds of chickens oraming free everywhere.
The pantanal was very basic, we were sleeping in hammocks, but its more of a place to see the animals, the first real one we saw was when Eric went to wash his hands and a rattle snake crawled out of the plug hole in the sink!! Just a bit scary!!!
We went on loads of bush walks, where we raided a bee´s nest for all of its honey, i gotta say, honey fresh out of the nest is one of the sweetest things ever its fantastic! We also saw Howler monkeys, racoons, Camen, lots and lots of ants and mosquitos, Armadillos , loads of things, shall have to get my pictures up, but am having so much trouble with he conection speed so sorry guys!!
Hmm... what else did we do.... oho.. we went pirana fishing, actually with the fish in the water, it was so surreal, yuo could feel all the fish biting you, but luckily it was only the small ones, but my fingers and toes were covered at all times as i didnt quite trsut the giuide when he said they didnt bite! I caught one, which i was very prouds of, and then ate him for dinner... yum yum!!
Umm.. We also went canoeing with the Camens, which are a smaller version of crocodiles and alligators, which was pretty sketchy! They kept jumping ou of the water and grabbing our oars on the canoe! The guide we had wanted to show us what they were like before we got in the water, so took off his flip flop, tied it to a piece of string and then threw it at them... they move so quick! It took him a gfood few minutes after the Camen started death rolling this flip flop for it to give up and let go!
We went horse riding, which i´ve gotta say is not my favourite thing to do.. but i cant really say horse come to think about it, mine was a graump cross with a donkey that growled at me all the way round!
Oh something that s not quite so nice, i have my first injury from the trip! We were walking through the bush at the Pantanal, and got attacked by hornets! It is THE most painful thing i have ever had, and i hurt myself alot! After i go stung, i screamed and we all started running and in that time the little b***** had stung another two people!!! But my wounds have healed and i have learnt to run from all bugs here now!!
Right, so the Pantanl, we finished that and then headed to Bonito, which is infamous for its snorkelling. We went on a snorkel tour, where you weren´t allowed to touch the bottom, and if you did you were chucked out! Bit scary if your not used to snorkelling as the water is really shallow! But anyhoos... we did that and saw the largest fishies EVER! I didnt even know fish could get that big! They were 2 foot long at least! The water was so clear and it was so warm, i miss it! That was an awesome day, and so fun, i don´t think i have come close to drowing htat many times before tho. There is alot of banter on this trip, and many time smy head was pushed under or someone grabbed my feet whilst i was trying to swim under things!
Also at Bonito, we hads a bit of a night out, very very fun! It was just a reall yrelaxed nice place to be chilling by the pool playing volleyball, which, might i add i am getting pretty good at!!
Um , next we went to Iguazu, the falls in the picture. That was spectuacualr, it is amazing to see what nature can do. We spent a whole day at the falls on the brazilian side, and tomrorow we are doing the argentinian side, as we crossed the Border today. Oh, almost forgot, went on my first helicopter ride two days ago, wow thats fun!! Got to sit in the front and its crazy, geting chucked around it feels os surreal, and seeing hte falls from the sky is soo good!
I know this has been another longs one guys, but i will try and keep it up to date this time, as they actuall have interent here! Woop woop!
Take care
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