Hey you......... again a message from me. My sister surprised me today because she stole (haha) pictures from your site and put them on mine. I did not even see the pictures from the dive indo party so imagine my surprise. A really good one though. We are now in bangkok and we are stuck here for 3 more days cause the ambassade of Myanmar is closed tomorrow and have to wait till monday, f..., f..., f... cause we HATE bangkok. Imagine you can spend three more days on Trawangan instead of stupid thailand aaarrrggghhh. Just a little bit frustrated haha. Leavind the island was indeed hard to do, but i am defenitely sure, i will be back someday.
Kiss and hugs Barbara PS my website is www.barbarasmulders.web-log.nl
Hey! You got some really nice pics here, especially from the dive indonesia night in Gilis, hihi! Cant thank you enough for not posting the mushroom picture of me, or maybe i should say damn you for scaring me by saying that you would! =) Moving on to Australia this week no? In Yogya time is passing quick, booked the ticket for Singapore and leaving on sunday, time to move on! Take care!
Hi there, ofcourse a message from me too. Great website, wauw. Great pictures too and i have to agree with Petra, i think that you took all the scenery pictures on one day hahaha and spend the rest of your days in the lounge. Yeah a little bit of a sad day for us today because were leaving but on the other hand it is time to go, see things again, meet people and go places. (sounds like a PADI thing). Love to hear from you soon, and...... where are the other photo's we saw at Dive Indonesia????
Hi there ! Love your pictures from Gili but ....... looks like you so a lot more of the scenery than the lounge baruga at Rudy's haha ! We're still here and leaving tomorrow, gonna be hard to say goodbye to this island and the people so a bit sad today. Yesterday I finished my advanced so we still have to dive sometime together !
Thanx for a great time here at Gilli and hope to c u again somewhere, someplace, sometime.
Gonna check out your pictures from Mongolia as well, looking good !
Big hug and love from Petra
my website: www.kollie.reist.nl
Hi there you wandering hobo.Just a short one. Have you been getting my emails? As I haven't had a reply thought I'd put a note on here. When exactly do you leave for Oz? Hope things are going well. Keep the photos coming.
Hows that sinister brown tan of yours? Erm I just wanted to ask, did Perhentian really happen cos I think I may have dreamt it? Life in England sucks, its cold which means I have to wear big jumpers and cover up what remains of my tan, and it gets dark at 4.30. So I have some advice for you....dont ever come back!! Keep making us jealous xxx
Rachael Swain
Hi Chris love the monkey pictures from Bali. I can't believe how long you have been away now seems like forever, still lm only jealous.
Keep the pictures coming, take care. Rach x
Lucy Lu
Hola Chris, Hows it going? I´ve finally made it to your site and checked out all your photos and things. I hope you are still having a cool time, it looks as if it would be hard not too with the schedule you have planned. Yes Thailand was amazing, thanks for the memories! Ha haaaa, your bday was a riot alright. Joolz and I should have arrived home a week ago but decided to hang out in spain for a wee bit longer. I mean whats a girl gonna do... go back to Warkworth (never heard of it? not surprised) or hang in the sun and take full advantage of a wee ditty called siesta. We still have plans to get to Melbourne, i hope that we see you there. Till then baby, have a hoot and take care.
Love Lucy
Hi there Chris! Looks like your having a wicked time! Sorry I havent been in contact for ages, what can I say, I'm just rubbish! Just set up a website for my friend and said that you told me bout it so you should get a fiver soon! Anyway it's same old for me, you know school, children etc! Great! Speak soon sweetie, keep safe and have fun, lots and lots of fun!!!!!! I would! Can't wait to go travelling myself! Need to get your advice closer to the time! xxxx
Ginger Dwarf
Hi there Christopher, Just thought I'd say hi. This page appeared on the address bar of our computer (obviously someone was checking up on you) so I thought I'd better say Hi. Hope you haven't contracted too many diseases on your travels. I know what you're like so you probably have!!! You'll be delighted to know that, without you to lead him astray, Boof is a reformed character!!! It's true!! Honestly!! He's in love!! Allegedly! (as Brian would say) However, the football team have totally fallen apart without your presence - they've even had to resort to getting the Earl of Westfield to make an appearance ( says it all, doesn't it!!) so I suggest you cut short your trip and get your ass back here. We probably won't be able to sign you on til next week! Well, I'd better get down to the bar before mother starts her nagging. Hope you're not missing me too muh. Bye for now xx
Hiya my young cousin, just been looking at your piccies, it looks amazing! Just wanted to say - be careful in Bali after what's happened recently, you look after yourself. Really gutted that I won't get to see you in Oz, but am looking forward to flying out 3 weeks on saturday!! :o)
Take lots of care, keep having fun - I'll email you soon.
Lotsa love, Kelly xx
Matthew Swainm
hello bud hows it going dont no if you watched the england game it was s*** we played bad again but won 1.0 when are you going to stop haveing fun and do some work every time i look at your pics i keep thinking lucky boy all i got to look to is going to work fancy swaping.i only got 4 weeks and 5 days till my tag is off cant wait i can go out then and see what i have missed down norton. think bout it i should ask them to put it back on there is nothing to miss there have fun bud and hope to hear from you soon......