Well winding up the Canadian visit and last few days here. A bit of work with Tom from ubc and then went to an ice hockey game ... All interesting although the weather was getting increasingly…
Arrival here yesterday at Vancouver a great city but raining when I arrived ! Today dry much getting acquainted with city with walks to Stanley park an. The aquarium which was picturesque. The…
A long day in Calgary with real sadness and anxst over the last few days in Canada as a result of the Ottawa shootings. The cover picture is in down town Calgary showing the war memorial and t…
Hi Chris,
Looks like you have had a great trip so far. Enjoy Hong Kong. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Hi Dave just saw your message sorry . Am at present in New York after train and bus to montreal then Boston then and now New York. On Saturday head towards Calgary by air then Vancouver then home via Hong Kong !