Today's blog by Natasha:
Alcatraz was worth the 20 year wait J (Note: if you're planning see Alcatraz, book in advance.Had we tried to get tickets today, we would have had to wait a week before going - that was the next available time! So I would have missed it, again.) Man, was it ever windy on the rock!I swear we were almost horizontal at times (and I nearly fell over a couple of times)We really enjoyed the audio tour - it was very informative and interesting.We also partook of a walking tour of the stories of the escapes lead by a volunteer which was also good.The most interesting escape was by 3 inmates who widened the vents in their rooms over a number of months and made replicas of their heads made of soap toilet paper and real hair to put in their beds the night of the escape to fool the guards.They didn't realise they were missing until the next morning when they didn't get up at roll call and the guard tapped one of them and the head rolled onto the floor!
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