Oh and the mighty Kidderminster Harriers are at the first final to be held at Wembley on 12th May. £20 tickets on sale on Sunday, anyone fancy it?
Veg? At the start of bbq season? CJ'll be lucky! Badly cooked burgers all round this weekend! And possibly some park cricket as a gentle reintroduction to Blighty
thanks caz, bbq sounds good!! Chris requests plenty of veg because he´s eaten nearly a whole cow in the last week! These Argentinians know how to cook steak - and they´re sooooo big (the steaks, not the Argies).Can´t wait to see you too. I hope wereok to crash at your house or anyone elses if you´re too big and we can´t fit in.... Only joking. Love to everyone!
very excited to see you both next week! Hoping the weather stays nice so we can get the barbie out! I think you'll be suprised how much bigger I am since we left NZ - the easter bunnie certainly made it to Tooting!! xx
I hope so!! Im not carrying liquids or anything!
Happy Easter to you too, hope the easter bunny finds his way to Argentina!
Jean And Bernard
Watch out watch out the Easter Bunnies about. Happy Easter from Mum, dad, Jo Rob, Emelie and Phoebe. Not long now are you sure the authorities will let you back into the country!
hooray were leaving Chile - not my favourite place, although I think I´m just ready for home! Argy bargy here we come!