Crikey cobba! You've only gone and taken me bleeding roo with ya!
Chris see text message please. xx
Jean And Bernard
Just seen pics of holiday with chav,NZ looks amazing. It looked a bit nippy up that there mountain. From non-aged parents!
Ooooooohhhhh sarcasm from the Aged Parental Units.... that's a new one!
If you're not careful, that'll be your lot till we get home!!!! hehehe
In Napier at the moment following a very scary 'Why haven't we seen a gas station for the last 2 hrs - why is the empty light flashing at me, hope we go downhill a lot soon' moment! Gonna sit back & relax now.
Jean And Bernard
Ahhh there is life after Darwin! Thought you'd been washed ashore on a desert island.
Oh no he is'nt Oh yes he is....
Panto season again but comic strip will do.
Alright Chogg thats enough - You're not in a comic.....
Right then!! Journals updated! A bit.... Thought we'd leave you in some kind of suspenders as to how it all ends. Will the Dynamic Duo make it back to civilisation.... Will they escape from the evil clutches of alcohol.... Will they find their passports & be allowed to continue on their magical mystery ride.... Will they
Hurry up and get out of Darwin!!!!!!!!
Hello messages received and have sent you an e mail xx
Bernard And Jean
Rain, wind, gales more rain, enjoy the sunshine while you can, cricket gets more depressing every day, just when you think it can't get any worse....but hey ho we're still smiling.