Didn't sleep again. 5am start. I swear the tent was on a slope, I kept waking up at the bottom of the tent with my hat over my eyes and gloves back to front. What a kuffufle!
I woke with a pain on the top of my head and a lump. I started to panic that something had implanted into my bonce while I was sleeping, something like one of those big whitchity grub things from the 'jungle celeb' programme. It turned out to be sun burn on my scalp, nice. I knew this as I also had really badly burned my ear lobes and had a blister on my forehead. (am I painting an attractive picture)....
After the usual visit to the pitts, I had resulted to using only wet wipes to clean myself, opening the tent i saw my clothes doing a solo moon walk while waiting for me to dress in them - again! By this time I stink OK, really bad. My hair was so greasy and vile that when I took my hair band out, my hair stayed in a pony tail. Awful.
Dispite this, I had an amazing morning walking through more rain forest like terrain. Lots of butterflies, lizzards, wonderful trees and wild flowers. At one point I smacked my head in a low tree and nearly bit my tonge off. Thankfully only a couple of people saw me and were sympathetic instead of the usual hysterics I get from some of my friends.
At the top of the 3rd pass I was able to see the mountain 'Huascavan' which is the Peruvian name for the mountain that Joe Simpson had climbed, as portrayed in the classic that is ' Touching the Void'.
At lunch a Peruvian man asked me which footie team I supported at home. I made the unforgivable mistake of admitting that I didn't follow football. He looked puzzled, then it dawned on him what I had said and he simply threw me a look of utter distaste and flounced off. ooopps. When in South America, never dis the legacy that is football.
Once down from the 3rd pass, we walked along a railway line to our camp. We had to move 3 times in order to avoid the oncoming trains. huummmnnnn......
Before dark the lads from our group played football with some Peruvian locals with the support from the rest of the group. A concrete football pitch placed randomly at the side of a railway track..... It was a lot of fun.
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