Well no tear gas this time and the flight from Chile to Buenos Aires went well with loadsa space to spread myself around (nothing new there ho, ho) thank you very much. As I was only going to stay in my hostel one night before moving to meet the girls from Australia the following day, I decided to treat myself to a room on my own with my very own loo and shower. "ooooooohh" I can hear you shout. I was reaching dizzy heights of cleanliness I can tell you. Anyway, the evening went well and I crash out comfortably only to be woken by someone hammering on my room door. I ignored it for a while and hoped they would go away, then the hammering got louder and louder and the door handle was going up and down. My heart started to pound as I realised how vulnerable I was. Then I thought the door was going to cave in, at which point I lost it. I jumped out of bed and flung the door open to find a girl the other side, totally off her face! she was trying to push in my room. I had to Karate chop her Uma Thurman styley (not really) but I pushed her out, shout and swore at her. Not the most pleasant of awakenings.
Anyway, later I told mum about the episode (sorry Ma but I have to share) and she said "couldn't you have called reception?". ha ha bless, that is so funny, I am staying in places with electrics hanging out of the walls, mould on the ceilings and doors without locks. Huumm, not sure there was a phone that connected straight to room service. You crack me up mother.
Well, later I met Catherine, Melissa and Kim and then proceeded to have an absolute ball. Buenos Aires is an amazing City.
We did the usual city tour, went to the grave where Evita was burried, visited the building where she used to address her people ("dont cry for me Argentina" - im such a great singer), went to a tango show, shopped for 9 hours (you would have been proud) and ate meat. and ate some more meat and finally, finished with some more meat. I am not joking. Yes, Argentina is known for its steak but they just have a butcher on every street corner! And what amazing meat it is (ahem), I have never had so much!
Now the prices here must be addressed. I went to the super market and bought a bottle of hair conditioner and a litre of branded vodka (to wash myself with of course!!) anyway, the vodka was cheaper. It was 50p! what the heck is all that about? a packet of 20 fags is about 75p. The food here is amazing and you can get a top quality 3 course dinner for about 6-8 pounds. Seriously, you could get so fat here.
Of course, the footie started didn't it. It was and still is crazy here in Argentina. Everything shuts down when they play, the streets are desserted. We were at the Zoo at the beginning of the 1st game and I think only about another 10 people and the animals were actually there with us. Later on in the cab, the driver started talking about the game, when we asked what the score was he was shocked and appalled that we didn't know. There are flags everywhere (I bought one), ticker tape lines the streets, dogs and cats are dressed in Argetina mini shirts (really they are), they let fireworks off for every big match, both before and after the game. Brazil are playing as I type and the streets are dead. All the staff in the supermarket have stopped to watch the TV's (that are being sold) and they all have the football on. I saw "football" spelt "Futbal" the other day, mildly amusing....
Our trip to the zoo was brilliant (got some quality Bat Porn), if only for the trauma of Buenos Aires public transport. 2 hours later and 2 buses later we arrived. It took us the same time to get home but we were all led down like dominos because the seats were all bust! And they squeak as you bounce, it was hilerious.
During the city tour we stopped at the football stadium to have a look around. As we got off the bus the tour guide asked if we had our guns (and then laughed), yeah really funny love. Anyway, she confirmed that it was a bit of a dodgy neighbourhood and not to wonder off. Well I needed a drink so I wondered off to the corner shop. I walked in, past the cat that was sat on the chair attached to a large chain.... and got some water and batteries (for my camera before you ask!). The lady served me and then in my specialist "I'm a stupid foreigner who cant speak a word of Spanish" sign language, we managed to communicate that I was in a very dangerous place, I should put my day pack on my front or I wil be robbed or worse and that I should go directly back to the tour asap. O....K....Then, i'll be orf. She ripped me off for the batteries which i then promptly left in the shop (doh!) but couldnt go back after all that...
Anyway, had a couple of big nights (have even been drinking vodka redbull- the poison that it is), have shopped until I have dropped also. I am now 4ft 2in tall because I have severe spinal compression due to my backpack being heavier than me now and 20 stone because i have eaten several cows this week. That said, the shopping is awesome, as is the food, as are the people.
Buenos Aires is a real must for anyone who fancies quality stuff, cheaper than chips.
I left the girls this morning at the airport. Having had 3 hours sleep, a raging sore throat and several ulcers (think I might be a touch run down), I borded a plane and then disembarked due to a "technical problem". Having visions of Final Destination running through my head I settled back with a Cafe Con Leche and waited, and waited and waited. Not bad as it was my 16th flight after all.
Upon bording for the 2nd time however, I settled in to my seat and thought, 'this is OK, apart from that bloody noise'. I just turned my i'pod up and hoped it would stop. A few minutes later I was surrounded my Spanish officials all pointing at my bag and muttering in Spanish. I looked blank, took my head phones out and opened my bag. It was only my sodding personal alarm going off! This high pitched screetching sound.....How embarassing....... Only flipping me and only in flipping South America!
I hear last Saturday was a scream of a day, all that sun and Eng-ger-land winning as well hey, "come on England"!
I am now in Mendoza and it is utterly beautiful. Surrounded by the Andes the air is fresh and the sun is shinning. This week I am doing 2 large treks, white water rafting, mountain biking the Andes and visiting 4 wineries. I hope to do some paragliding as well.
Dispite all of that, I miss you all loads and love hearing from you.
love from me.....
Its a hard life.....
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