WOW! Thts sound realli cool! Seems like ur havin a realli gd time out der! Guess u gotta make the most of it! Look forward to catchin up wiv u sumtim mayb!
Take care, x
Livy Juice
aww my lil moje sounds like she is all grown up with her 9-5 job in the city!! anyways it sounds like its all goin well which is very nice to hear!! still missing us all back home i hope tho i sure am missing u, but so excited for u jelous of u and proud that u r my best buddy now still and always!!! i love u a million tonnes and more i hope u no that! lil livy juice all the way round the other side of the world. x x x x
Hi there, just found some photos called 'lock in' Can't make up where you and your mates were but the contents are interesting. What should i do with them i wonder. LOVE MUM xxxxxxxxxx
Hey i am at work bored, its the first time ive actually sat and read your journal... very nice. You've made your job sound v posh!lol. I am in reception at the mo which i am not complaining about, as it gives my poor poor feet a rest, plus i get to browse the net! Havent seen you in a while, only when you sleep (and so other people dont read this and think thats creepy its cos our shift hours clash), got a day off tomoz and Monday so we can spend the day together when you get back from work, yipeeeee! Bondi beach me thinks - tan topping is a must! ANYWAYS, i could babble on all day but i wont, did you noticed i cleaned the bathroom? with cif and everything, which i didnt know we had till i looked under the sink, but then mike had a shave this morning and covered it with his UGLY facial hair again. Also cleaned the coffe table which he insisted in covering with tabacco and s*** and not clearing it up - typical MEN, if he was to ever winge at my messiness id give him a mouthfull back! also under the coffee table i found spilt food which was covered in ants cos it was just left there, thats why i started on my cleaning spree... no worries, no more ants! Also, when i woke up this morning i felt like s***, cos my last 3 dinners have only been potatoe wedges, realised i had had no protein or veggies, how awful is that man, so this morning i ha da fruit salad, some yoghurt, a shot of wheatgrass and for dinner i am going to have a cheap plate of cooked veggies and nothing more, or steak, depends on how i am feeling. But anyways, thats that, i can tell you all this tomorrow anyways, but i thought it might be fun for you to read it aswell! toodles for now babe xxxxx
sounds like an amazing time mate, missing my little moje love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Go Chlo! You little legend... you won't need to come home after landing a job like that!! All you need to do is work around the visa, bah I'm a forces man, I'll speak to my contacts in the government to get you a more permanant one!! Still saying that, Kates and Co would prob not be happy!
Your travels seem to be awesome, glad all is well. Your certainly not missing anything back here...! Weather has been majorly shabby these past few weeks (especially in Pompy next to the sea!) gale force winds and all that shizzle!
Hope you are well and work isn't too much of a strain on you!! Just think... it certainly beats Sansbuz! Take Care my fellow ginger friend!
Rich x
Livy Juice
hey there dearest!!
wooooowwww all sounds so amazing. its good to here u are having fun. its all so much more intersting than wat i have been doin. dnt think i will bve making it out to oz tho. i think i am goin to plan to go travelling after uni for longer than just the summer they were offering. i no i carry on saying it but i am sooooo jealous.
cant wait to here an update soon. much love miss u! mmmmwwwaaahhhh x x x
-[ Elz ]-
Just realised thing thing! Didn't kno there was one of this! Btw this is Elly! Hop your havin a gr8 time, sounds like a lot of fun! Hop u had a nice xmas nd new year despite the fact u wern't ere! You'll hav to tell me all bout ur experiences cos i'm plannin mine for next yr!!!
Well hav a wonderful time nd i'll post a msg ever so often now i found this, lol!
Elz, x x x
hey darl.....havnt heard from you recently so just checking that this is because you're having an amazing time and not for any other scary reason?!
thinkin of youuuu
Hey dude.
Realised i hadnt left u a message 4 a while so thought id drop by. Just got back down 2 brighton today after a pretty good xmas back in sta, was cool to see everyone although being back at work was as s*** as usual. Am now embarking on a 30 day detox of alchohol and mind altering substances due to the fact that im f*cking ill and lost my voice 3 weeks ago and still havent found it. So far its been 7 days and its going ok. Was out with the crew on saturday night which was hard seeing them all get pissed up while i could only watch.
Anyway sounds like ur having a wicked time out there like everyone does. Photos look wicked. You gona try ur hand at surfing while ur out there?? I stood up on my 1st lesson! Check me! lol. anyway if u do make sure u watch out for them undercurrents cos they'll get ya!
Well i should probably go and do something constructive. keep it cool till after school. bye for now little homie. muchos love. bear.x
chloe smells!!!!! ha ha xx
Lucy Cole
Dear Chloe
I am missing you and so is everyone else - how long are you going to be in Australia?
Love Cousin Lucy xxxx