being as your complaining to me that you have no messages, i'll post you one! Whoop! Im sitting next to you in the net cafe/thai mans lanudrette/home/tailoring suit company.
There are now 6 remaining days before we leave and i can officially say i am starting to s***e my pants. I am also starting to think 7 constant months with BUT I CANT WAIT! BESSIESSS 4 EVA!LOL
Rich (Jabroni)
Awww man, wanted to be the first to leave you a journal message but your Dad beat me to it!! Not to worry! Anyway, you have 9 days to go and tonight we go out and get right royally wasted for your last Batchwarr with K to the T!
Hope all goes well on your travels, I'm sure it will... and make the most of it!