Oh my god, im so annoyed, i just wrote out a whole entry and then pressed escape and lost the whole thing! So lets start again aye! Argh!!!
Right, Ko phi phi was beautifull, typical while island with clear water and white sand, we only stayed one night and did some snorkelling with the multicoloured fish! After phi phi we went straight to Phuket where simon met us at the police station (just a meeting point, we wernet in custody!) He took us to his house and we emt Yao his wife, Owen and Robin his two twin baby boys and also yaos best friend and husband, they were lovely, really looked after us and the boys were so cute! In Phuket we went diving, beccy did a fun dive and i did a try dive. We got a boat to bungalow bay and dived down about 12 meters, it was really really cool, bit weird being underwater and relying on the equipment to breathe and all but still amazing, saw lots of fish and under water life, we even saw underwater scooters! strange! A cleaner fish decided to attatch itself to my body for most of the second dive too which was interesting! haha Simons house was not in the middle of the action so we had to venture out on our own.. phuket town was a dive, so scummy and rat infested. we also went to a town called Kata which was nicer, we even found a restuarant that had all you can eat pizza! woop!
We left Phuket and got a 12 hour bus ride up to Bangkok, that in itself was tiring but we then had to wait 11 hours at the train station to catch another 12 hour train ride to Chiang Mai and north thailand.. it was one hell of a journey! Beccy decided she needed some excersize while we were in the station so ran around with her bag on her back for 20 minutes... we got some funny looks i tell ya! haha In chiang mai we visited a big temple.. it was nothing amaizng, just another temple, it seems once youve seen one youve seen them all! We also visited a silk facotry and saw how silk was made and even touched silk worms! ooo And we went to the national museum aswell....yes we know we are cool! The night bizzare (market) in Chiang Mai was the highlight, there were stools for miles selling everything you can imagine from fake rolex watches to mini father chirstmas suits, they played wierd xmas music too, english songs sang in thai accents. very odd!
From Chiang mai we came straight to Pai, its a small town. Great atmospere tho, not so touristy, more travelly if that makes sense. We visited the pai canyon which was amazing, views for miles over pai and also the hot srpings, we had to pay 400 baht to get in where the locals only had to pay 20 baht! so unfair! The hot srpings were pretty cool, i was really disappointed we didnt take and egg to boil in the water beacuse it was so hot it defo would have worked. But further down the river the water was cooler, we bathed our feet in it and it was so lovely, just like a hot bath. i miss hot baths! In the evening we went and had a few cocktails and smoked a joint with some people we met... on our way home beccy decided to my dismay to play knock down ginger on some israilys next to our hut, i was so embaressed, by this point the giggles had well and truley set in so it was pretty obvious it was us haha, we went and sat with them for a bit and one of them put on this stupid borat accent, he sounded like an idiot! but it was so funny to us! haha Anyway From pai we subscribed to a 2 day trek, we put out name down for one with the most people which was the best idea coz we met some awsome people.
On our trek were 7 other people, two kiwi's Jesse and Josh, and australian -Tyson, two guys from hitchin of all places! Jimmy and Ian, a guy from devon called J and a swiss dude called jermain! It turned out to be a bloody brilliant mix of people! On the frist day we walked up and over moutains, we saw the most amazing views and got up to about 1,600 feet above sea level. The walking was so hard but the all the guys we were with made it much more fun. Most of them were really fit so the pace was fast and we were struggling alot, but we made it! We stopped for luunch in a tiny villiage, all the people set out all theur s*** on the floor for us to buy but we were more interesed in the squeeling pigs and smelly cows! We then walked untill 5 in the evening where we reached our hill tribe villiage, the guides home. It was a really nice place with just a few huts for people to live in, a river to wash in with the water buffalows and a football pitch where we played against the locals. In the evening we sat around the fire and drank their homemade wiskey, it was interesting! But certainly did the trick, we all had big discussions and even played the silly school game where you try to lift a person with two fingers, it was funny times! We all slept in a big wooden hot together, the people made us up beds with moskitos nets, it wasnt the most comfortable place and was very cold but we all cuddled up and it turned out to be quite cosy! The next day after little sleep we rode on elephants backs for the first part of the trek. The elephants were pretty cool, although they had scars on their heads where they had been wipped wich was pretty sad. we took turns on the elephants, we were unlucky enough to be on teh ground when they decided they wanted to start continuously farting and pooping everywhere! It was great lol The second day was much harder in terms of trekking, they guys we were with asked the guide to take us on a harder route which ment we climbed down almost vertical hills... so scary and dangerous and walked bare feel through deep water.. we were all soaking wet and aching from the day before but it was still fun. We stopped for lunch and the guides made us bamboo plates and cups to eat rom, we kept the cups... they are awsome!! or 'sweet' and the aussies say! We walked for hours and i thought i was going to die it was so hard work and beccys boots were killing her feet too so we were pretty cranky but the others kept us going... just jokes after jokes. At the end of the day we reached a cave which was occupied by thousands of swifts and bats, we got there just before the sun went down and watched all the bird fly back into the cave and when it was dark all the bats fly out of the cave! After that we drove back to Pai which felt like forever as we were all so hungry. We all went to an indian which came out cold but we were all so hungry we just munched it down anyway! After that we swapped emails and went our seperate ways! today we are getting a bus back down to bangkok where we are guna meet with beccys family friend and celebrate christmas thailand style! We will probbaly see our trekking buddies again as they have got the same plan. We have decided to meet up next year and do a reunited scotland trek! haha Anyway, thats a brief over view of what we have been up to, i have to say the trek and the last week or so had probably been the best part of the trip so far!
I hope you all have a fab xmas! And i will probably update you next when we reach Australia!!!
Lots of love!!
Chloe xxxxxxxxxx
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