love to you all and i hope Nikki's hospital stay is over quickly xx
Cheryl's Mum
so come on 'fess up what's the tat of and where is the piercing x
Mum And Dan
Hi Lovely was good to hear your voice yesterday, hope you all enjoyed your night in the 'shed'. Nanny and Grandad said to say hello. have a contact for you all in Melbourne if needed. Lots of love Mumxx
Ann Griffin
Hi Cheryl, sounds like the first part of your trip was fab - onwards and upwards. Have a great time and we'll follow your blog. Lots of love. Ann n Gabs xx
Mum + Dan
hiya, hope you are having fun, make sure you keep us updated. miss you, lots of love xx
Louise Jackson
Take care Cheryl, have lots of fun and don't forget to keep in touch and let us know how things are going. Much love x
Go Go cheryl and friends!! Dont forget to add photos and videos if you can. Thomas getting nervous now but be ok when on the plane... Take care and enjoy all the best <:-) xxx
Hope your enjoying yourself and having good time. Thomas is booked for the 2nd Jan. Hope the weather is lots better than here. Keep safe, love Nan.
Samantha Burrell
Hi Cheryl...hope your getting settled in! x Jodies blogs sound great so far..look forward to hearing yours very soon.