Hi Guys, well its now day 2 in st petersburg! Yesterday we had a 2 and a half hour tour of the Hermitage which is incredicably beautiful full of art and artifacts, then we did St Isaccs catherdral walked up the 266 steps and round the circumferance of the golden dome for panoramic views of the city, its started snowing whilst we were at the top it was beautiful. We then did the church on spilled blood the outsides design is styled on St Basils in Moscow but inside it is mosaics from top to bottom cant describe how incricate the art work was but i can show you the pictures!! So that was yesterday, today we have done the Kunstcamera museum which was Peter the greats own personal collection of the macabre, the Zoology museum to see a woolley mamoth found in Siberia and the fort of St Peter and Paul took some ace pictures from the ramparts of the frozen river Neva, we had a hot chocolate in a small cafe by the fort which was pure chocolate bloody lovely! It has been about -7 the past two days but with my coat and boots are keeping me toasty warm. Tonight we will be checking out of this hostel to catch the midnight overnight train to Moscow so at the moment we killing time watching a film and having some tea! Im getting on really well with Helen and Jordan and having a great time so far, thats all for now next time ill check in will probably be Moscow! XXX
- comments
John I reckon I can beat that. I've been sat in an office in Brighouse all day listening to out-of-work nesbits scream at their kids whilst walking past my window on the way to Tesco to stock up on special brew.
Mum & Dad Sounds fabulous!! Glad you are getting on with your travelling companions, and you are warm enough. the hot chocolate sounds good!!! Bet you enjoyed the Kuntscamera! xxxx
Jane Sounds fantastic !! Love the blog - great idea ;-)
Jamie Hey Lora sounds fantastic! Enjoy ur day x