Yes, 12 in all enjoying another dinner out. The food is great and so cheap! Tonights dinner including drinks was outrageously charged at $12 a head. Last night was only $10.
Today was great. We all did different things. Josh Nat and Ash took Alysha and Kylie out nightclubbing Saturday night, home by 1 pm of course, I insisted as Alysha is only 15!!!!
Josh supervised the group and apparently Alysha was only allowed to 'taste' the 'Bombers' Josh was ordering. Vodka and Red Bull in large water bottles and as luck would have it , it was a 2 for 1 Happy hour. They were all quiet today, managing only DVD 's , swims, massages and lunch at our resort. ( yes even Josh had a massage).
Alysha used the day to review our DVD haul, so we can return the ones which don't work. - which sounds ridiculous I know at $1 each but so far 20 don't work, so her efforts are worth it.
Brad and I managed breakfast, lunch and a swim together but parted ways at 4 pm so I could shop and Brad could chill (nap) in front of a DVD.
I was desperate for sun dresses as it is too hot here for shorts. I searched a 1.5 km radius looking for unique unusual frocks to buy. Four dresses for $30 , I was so pleased with myself .. Well until dinner, where Alison appeared in the same dress. Dresses tshirts shoes all same same everywhere. !!!!!!!!
Josh has rented s motorbike, so he runs back and forth to Ash's hotel , which is a bit sleazy, to escort her home at nights. Chivalry is alive and well in Josh. Safety issues not sooooo concerning for Josh (he scoffed at my helmut suggestion).
Weather beautiful, sun and clouds ( thank fully as the direct sun is a killer).
Wearing another purchase for a tour of the beaches tomorrow, let's hope it's twin doesn't also get on the bus
Sleep tight
Ca x sun 11 pm in bed in Bali :)
- comments
Llew Thats all sounds like so much fun. I wish I was there. You should go out to a night club too. At Kuta they have pros swinging in bird cages. A horse and kart ride up to Kuta would be a safe way to see the night life. Xx cu llew