Hello hello :D
So last time I wrote we were on our way to Peru... we are obviously here safely and soundly... I will wind back to the past week or so and start from our arrival..
So after our long wait in Loja, Ecuador, we boarded our bus bound for Piura, Peru... along with a rather large group of stinky boozer men! Although it was midnight and we were knackered, we didnt manage to get a lot of shut-eye because we were holding on to our seats for dear life - foggy weather and a little rain combined with high speeds meant some drifting around corners etc.. but we are now wise enough to expect nothing less on a bus here!!
We arrived in Piura to some serious flooding and thought it was a total s***hole but I think we were just tired because when we went out for a walk later on after a nap, I felt a little more positive towards Piura... :) It was a rather uneventful visit and we left the next day bound for brighter horizons in Trujillo...
On arrival in Trujillo, there was instant love... it is such a lovely city, beautiful colonial buildings and just a generally nice feel... we were staying a little out of the city centre so we did quite a bit of walking about... We did a wee tour to the nearby ruins of Huaca del Arco Iris as well as Chan Chan... they are both uber-old and Chan Chan was verrrrry interesting! It was the largest adobe city in the world and was the largest pre-colonial city in the Americas... it dates waaaaay back - 700ad perhaps??
We also decided to have a night out at the casinos - there are a hell of a lot in a small space so we thought casino-hopping could be fun times!! We were wrong... we got a little glammed up and ventured out for drinks and dinner... hit the casinos and they were grrroooss!! All stinky and smoky and filled with sleazy men! I managed to win back most of my $$ but the novelty quickly wears off on the slot machines!! So we ended our night in a bar near our hotel which was empty - literally Amiee and I were the only customers! Unbelievable...
From Trujillo we bussed to Lima... I love Lima!!!!
We are staying in a really cool hostel - beautiful huuuuuge old house that has been totally modern-ified but still has some of the classic fixtures... a lot of beautiful tiling outside etc.. I spent Sunday with Michael's aunt and cousin which was just lovely, they were so so welcoming and I had a whole day of speaking Spanish which was REALLY fantastic and definitely needed I think since I feel like I'm getting a bit rusty on the speaking front - ordering food and organising bus tickets isn't really enough practice!
Yesterday we had a busy day, I tried to organise my student visa to no avail and then we headed to the centre... we watched the changing of the guard outside the prez's palace and then wandered around a lot and looked at this and that... then we headed to Parque de los Aguas where we took a MILLION photos... its such a great place!
Later on in the evening, there was a band playing which we watched for a little while... and then headed back to the hostel!
We had planned to go to Cuzco tonight but there are currently bus strikes, so fingers crossed we can go tomorrow... we shall see!
Hope everyone is super great xoxox
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