Day sixteen of Contiki!
By far the most spectacular day of the trip so far! Spent the morning on the water, soaking up the sun on our way to the Water Sports jetty.
Parasailing- first, you run off the jetty behind a speedboat. Then, you're fifty metres above the water being held up by a parachute. The views of the surrounding coast lines were immaculate. The water was the deepest, cleanest blue and the sun was piercing. About half way around, the boat slowed and the parachute failed, dropping me towards the ocean. Just as my feet touched the water, though, the boat sped up again and I ran on water until I was pulled back up to the magnificent view.
To exit, the boat slows and you get dipped into the ocean, pulled onto the boat, and taken back to the jetty.
After this, Katelyn, Bec, Georgia and I swam out to a 'nearby' pontoon. It was not, by any means, nearby. And upon arrival, we read "private jetty, please swim away". Cheeky b******s.
As we were returning, Georges boat docked at the jetty and we were shortly after called for lunch. The most fantastic lunch imaginable. Fresh salad and bread, and George's own tsatsziki, and about three serves of these. Fat Katie especially liked the tomatoes.
After lunch, I went on the 'banana' with Katherine, Greg, Ryan, Dylan, Milly and Christian. The banana is a huge inflatable that you straddle behind a jet boat and, much like with any inflatable, the skipper tries to fling you off while you hold on for dear life.
Filled with adrenaline, I quickly signed up for the doughnuts, which was more independent and a bit more dangerous, and a lot more exhilarating.
At the conclusion of water sports, we sailed away on George's boat to 'Hanky Panky Island', where we spent the afternoon "showing off, splashing around".
We were back on dry land by five, and we headed back to the hotel for a quick dip in the pool before showering, dinnering, and heading off to Toga party. Why did I get so drunk? Why was it so hot in there? And why was I given the inspired idea of taking off said toga and grooving about in only my swimmers? Drunken Katie menace.
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