charlz n smilz world trip!x
Hi there travel followers,
Currently on hold at mo, departure date postponed until June 25th-much anticipated now!! Im so excited-bought our sleeping bags,waterproof jackets,(hope we wont be needing the waterproofs too much though), boots the lot!!!! - pink CAT boots which im most proud of!!(even if they are a bit chavy). Travel itinary includes:
L.A, FIJI, NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA, SINGAPORE, TOKYO -and anywhere else we might end up that sells good beer!
Starting to feel nervous about fiji(although this was the place I was most desperate to arrive in)as I read in a guide book that most places have no hot water and electric \'runs out\' at midnight - OH MY GOD!this will be back to basics!
ONLY 4 MORE WEEKS TO GO, let the countdown begin!
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