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Charly's Travel Journal
Airlie Beach And The Whitsundays
Airlie Beach And The Whitsundays (48 photos)
View from the boat as …
May 3, 2006
Up went the sail...
May 3, 2006
Tom,Candida and Sam
May 3, 2006
May 3, 2006
End of the sunset
May 3, 2006
Candida and Tom
May 3, 2006
Me and Sam
May 3, 2006
Up the tables..
May 3, 2006
The two Irish Tommys
May 3, 2006
Mark and someone whose…
May 3, 2006
Tommy and me
May 3, 2006
The Irish started sing…
May 3, 2006
So the english retalia…
May 3, 2006
Will and Jim
May 3, 2006
May 3, 2006
And again...
May 3, 2006
And with me
May 3, 2006
We never managed to ge…
May 3, 2006
Up the jetty on South …
May 3, 2006
Early morning sun
May 3, 2006
Ritchie,skipper number…
May 3, 2006
Bye south molle!
May 3, 2006
Me and Dave
May 3, 2006
View from the boat
May 3, 2006
Leaving Airlie Beach...
May 3, 2006
...for the Whitsundays
May 3, 2006
Leaving the marina
May 3, 2006
The view from our dorm…
May 3, 2006
And again...
May 3, 2006
We spent our days on t…
May 3, 2006
(Right to left)Candida…
May 3, 2006
Joe,Me,Tom and Candida
May 3, 2006
Chris and Jackie
May 3, 2006
Two guys from Marlow
May 3, 2006
Chico(dont know his re…
May 3, 2006
Dave,me,Candida and Jim
May 3, 2006
South Molle Island
May 3, 2006
View from the beach
May 3, 2006
View across the beach
May 3, 2006
And again
May 3, 2006
Whitehaven beach (my o…
May 3, 2006
Our boat,which we jump…
May 3, 2006
A plane about to take …
May 3, 2006
Our head skipper
May 3, 2006
The sea was such a bri…
May 3, 2006
Arty shot up the boat'…
May 3, 2006
Me and Chris
May 3, 2006
Our little dinghy
May 3, 2006