In Bangkok!!
how wierd isnt this?? first it just felt like La La land since everything is so different. still does but i will start from the begining.
when is the begining? ok, Asa came to my place at 7-8 pm tursday evening. we had dinner together with Marie, and that is when it all started for me, i would sday. i just slept for 1.5 hours the night from tursday to friday since me and asa had a chat and since i was hungry. had to eat at 3.30 am.. so not much sleep, which felt a bit stupid but it turned out to be a great thing!! i have been a bit worried about the time difference (5 hours i think, here its 10.06 pm), that i wolud feel very tired, not be able to sleep andso on. but, since i was tired i wanted to sleep earlier then usual and since we arriwed early in the morning, it was like a normal night, still. .... ehhh... ok, i can see that i can ny reallt explain this but when you are on an air plane you get tired easaly, so how perfect wasnt that, that we arried in the morning (which meant that the evening came early) and i needed sleep rather quickely... ok... never mind. i, tired, but ok. not jet lagged.
but first, i just want to make it official. i love my friends!!! thursday evening was wonderful! thnak you Marie and Asa that helped me so i could use skype, and thanks marie for all the other times you let me borrow your computer!! thanks Asa for keeping me company. And Sandra and Andres, i loved our chats tursday evening! and also my mom, for helping me on wednesday. all of this meant a lot, more then anyone of you can imagine. so, there is were it all took of, with the feeling that i have some great people around me. therefore, i couldnt help thinking, why do i have to go away?? its all right here, what i want!! so, after 1.5 hour of sleep, i wasnt the happiest, but wheni finaly was ready to leave my room in the morning i was oh so cheerful!
on the bus to thair port i was the only one with a smile on my face. a funny, proabably quite silly smile to. why are people not happy when the go the travel? strange.
the fight to Stockholm was quick, and before boarding i was filled with adrenaline and couldnt remember what i had i my hand luggage when the security staff asked me. she smiled and let the bag go thrue the scanner (ypou know what i mean!) and it wasnt any problems at all.
before bording the Boeing 747 (kents song 747 have its name after this air plane, guess if i always wanted to go with one of these!!!!!) a middle age man that was on the same flight started to chat with me and it was really fun. he gave me some advises on where to go i i wanted go go to beaches that are not crowded with tourists. it gave me the idea to go the a beach place first thing instead of the waterfall since i just want to relax and i really need it after a week of little sleep and a lot of things to prepair. we will see what happes (right now im at the hotel, waiting to get my room, that i why i write so much!)
the air plane was HUGE and fancy. the female staff was dressed in really beautiful colourful dresses. the one that greeted me first was also very beatiful in her face with a beautiful make up on. this gave me the idea is they make the most beatiful stand first to give the best impressed possible? or is this yet again just my oun strange ideas?? the male staff i found beeing almost appolygetic (ehhh.... excuse my fantastic spelling) and very gentle. intresting to see. (of couse i always do my cultural analyses). the staff was very nice and polite, the service was awsome! i got my vegetarian meals and it tasted good!
i was sitting beside a 19 year old guy from Thailand. oh these thai people... we started talking about one hour after take off. in the begining of the fight the middle aged man came up to me to say hello and then he also tried to talk to the guy beside me. i came out that he had been in Umea to pick blue berries. the mans comment to this was that he felt bad for hem, he told boath me and the thai guy. its really a shame, he said, several time. and, what was my replay? well, since honesty is not the best choise all the time i replied something in the same sense. really, i dont came. and certainly not when seomeone tells me to feel sorry for someone!! ok, it was a wierd situation, to sit beside someone whos situation you can read about in the paper but i can not care fore veryone all the time. maybe he can, the swedish man, that said it first. maybe that is what he thought what he did when he married his thai whife and made here move here?... (joke that is)
anyway, me and Ted, that i the name for the Thai guy, started talking. first it was fun and really a new situation for me, to talk to someone thet cannot communicate in english. so we used the map and phose to point and write. the fun lasted for one hour. aftera while he wanted to take pictures. he offered me chueing gum. and beer. and after three hours (and 4 bears) he said that he loved me. i must have made a quite good impression!! not bad, is it?? i made someone love me in just three hours! (new record) or was it my blonde hair? or the fact that im filthy rich compared to someone that picks blue berries and he saw his chance of marrige? i do enjoy that thoght. to have to ecenomic overtake ower a man (or boy...) anyway, like i said before, honesty is not always the best way to go, so my sweetest way of turning him down was to say no, no.... no. my real thought was oh "go to hell. stop bothering me!" but thet was what he did!! after his 4 bear, he passed out and didnt speak to me again. good.
maybe it was the beer. not my blonde hair and economic overtake. ??? humm.....
the last 5 hours or so i tried to sleep and i did manage to get some sleep. every chair had a blancet and pillow . thank god i didnt sit near the two crying children. but i did wake up sometimes.
we passed pakistan and india and it must have been cities there that i say in the middle of the night. BEAUTIFUL. they were a lit up by street lights. when i think we passed pakistan i heard some guys talking about chalmers, and i was thinking about Jawwad, so wierd! i havent been to pakistan, but at least i have no been there amongst its clouds.
we got breakfast before landing, and the thing about this air port being the biggest in the world, that teh middle age mnan told me, might be true. i was huge. before landig we got a little hade made flower buqet (ehh... spelling isnt the easiest) gosh!! how many hous didnt it take to make those? poor staff. its beautiful though.
at the airport we hade to walk half a kilometer to get to the luggage and visa. BIG air port.
(no, i do not feel like doing something else here on the other side of the world instead of going thru everything that has already happened. )
well, got my visa, walked round a bit, took the bus and after half an hour i was at Kho San road. i asked in the reception at the hotel we stopped at, where my hotel was. it was just round the corner, and with that and some shouting from a taxi driver i found it after 5 min. it was so close! no problems at all!!! and here i am. havent seen the room but i will after finishing this. had some breakfast after checking in, felt good.
on the bus here i was thinking what i thought about bangkok. a lot of people dont like it the first time. ok, i havent really seen anything but from the inside of an air con bus i wolud say that its diverse, pastel coloured that makes the hole thing so naive and childish but also cute. the white sky scrapes are ugly but crates a cool contrast to whats really beatuiful here, the older houses that are jammed thogether, the exotic (and in my eyes therefore wild and fresh) nature, its colourful green palms and cool trees. some houses are just old scelletons, some have balconies that are like exact squeres and it looks so easy. when i looked at some houses where the standars is below every standaard of good living according to swedish measurements, just just got this relaxed feeling. like people adjust to thier suroundings and let them set the roules of living. i dont know, cant explain, but it was nice. beautiful. but its really a havoc of different arcitecture, temles, sky scrapes, demolised houses, poor living houses, thin channels of water in between and also abandoned houses. i like it. at least from the inside of an air con bus. when i first steped out from the air port i got surprised about the heat! its horribly hot!! and high humidity. lets see how this works out... i got other things to do now... i at lest dont got more to say. will check my room, try to find sim card, maybe eat, and then?? oh yes, i just want to sit on a bus today to see the city. and try the sky train.
love you!!
(just so u know, i will not check the text for misspellings and other errors. so take it for what it is.)
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