We arrived in Byron Bay at 6:40am, so the bus journey from Sydney took about 12 hrs and 40 mins. It was awkward sleeping because every time the driver put his brakes on it felt like we were going to roll off the seats! I don't think either of us actually got off to sleep properly.
When we got off the coach there was a free bus transfer waiting to take us to our accommodation, we weren't expecting it so it was a nice surprise and really handy for us as the resort was ten minutes away.
Our first impression of Byron Bay was that it was obviously a surfers town. There were lots of bars and restaurants advertising chilled out nights and all the travel agencies and clothes shops were selling anything to do with surf, and not to mention the few early birds up and about with their boards tucked under their arms, on their way to the beach.
The reception in our resort was still closed and wasn't due to open until 8am. Luckily there was a cafe set up right outside so we bought a hot choccy each while we waited. The cafe wasn't a normal one, it was called a bullet cafe and that's kind of what it looked like, or similar to a small silver metal space ship!
A couple of cats came and sat around us while we waited on the reception steps, they must have known it was coming up to opening time. A few cars came in but no one opened up, then when one particular car came through the cats all jumped up and followed it around the back! They knew it was the owner and a few minutes later the doors were opened so we could check in and the cats were getting fed!!
It was still early, the receptionist told us check in isn't usually until 2pm but as the resort wasn't busy she let us into our room straight away! We were glad because we were still tired from the bus journey and were hoping to catch up on some sleep. We found our room, flung our bags in and jumped into bed and were asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.
We woke up three hours later at 11am, it felt strange, like we had already spent the whole night there when really we only had a few hours sleep. We freshened up and had a cup of tea before taking the free shuttle bus back into town. We walked into a travel shop called Tribal Travel to get a few prices on tours up the East Coast. The shop looked cool with sand on the floor instead of carpet and the lady that served us was very helpful and gave us what we thought was a good deal. Chris didn't want to book anything until he had double checked our flight dates leaving Cairns, so we told the lady we would be back to book with her later or tomorrow.
Once we left the shop we walked over to Coles supermarket and bought our food for the next couple of days. By the time we came out the shuttle bus had left so we had to walk back. Along the way we passed a small surfers shop selling cheap bikinis! Everywhere we had been to sold bikinis for no less than $60! At first we thought it was a second hand clothing shop. Chris asked the owner of the shop and he assured him that they weren't, he had bought the clothing cheap from shops closing down. My two bikinis were getting a little tired and one of them needed a replacement string so I really wanted one. I tried on a few and eventually found one I liked. I also did a bad thing of stealing a string from one of the bikinis for my own :-/ I waited until we were outside before I told Chris what I did and said we can't walk past the shop anymore lol. He looked at me in disgust, but also pleased he doesn't have to buy me any more bikinis!!
When we got back to our room Chris checked our flight date in Cairns, it was a good job he did check first. We thought we were leaving on the 24th of June but our flight is actually earlier on the 19th! We couldn't be bothered to go back to town this afternoon so we made dinner and sat around the fire place watching tv. We have both decided to go on a diet so we ate a salmon salad, I think Chris told me he liked it at least three times while eating it lol.
We went to bed at around 10:30pm. We had a private room which was nice but it was opposite the seating area outside which meant we could hear everyone chatting and one guy playing his bloody guitar! I don't mind a bit of acoustic but I don't want to listen to someone practice for hours! It's like playing the same song over and over again but only up to the middle of the dam song! I just hoped he wouldn't be there tomorrow night.
Charlotte & Chris
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