Hello girlies, glad you're still having an amazing time. Managed to catch up with all the photos, they look fantastic! When are you both home? Miss you both lots and can't wait to hear all about your trip. Take care of yourselves, Lots of love xxxx
Mucho love to my girlies... missing you. When do you guys expect to be back? I'm moving home in August and will be in need of some play mates!! Sxxxx
Hi Chloe - pictures are amazing. You must be having the best time ever. I really envy you. Here we are sitting in the office - what more could a girl want! Nothing much has changed here but we do miss you. Thank goodness the weather is a lot better here now. It is quite hot today. Still living in C St Giles - no change there then! Hollie is very upset today as Liverpool lost in the European Cup Final last night. Bernard has been in Italy - came back today and has cut his thumb badly. My Chloe went to R Williams home in LA and sat in the jacuzzi with him!! Apparently he is a very charming and sexy man. She is sort of dating one of his mates. Lots to tell you but not in an email so come and see us when you get back. Loads of love from us all here and take care the both of you xxxx
Lol dont woz Nicki most of the photos haven´t uploaded properly. Trying to find a decent internet place where they do!
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't get them to work!!! Am I being dumb?? Hope you love Argentina as much as I do, it is my second home!!xxxxxxxxxx PS malbec is their best red wine to drink, and torrontes is their best white...important things to know!
Hola aventureras. Great pics! I'm getting all jealous, would love to be in Argentina right now, riding wild horses and dancing Tango in the streets. Then again; Zurich ist quite beautiful, too; sunny and warm - and the spiders are less large, which I'm happy with. Take care and don't spend too much time inside hospitals, Charlie!! xxx