Hi all! Well that was a bit of a palava trying to set up the blog site!...dont they know im on a time limit!!??
Anyway...I have arrived in Beijing safely, it is SO humid, we were walking round the Temple of Heaven earlier and i thought i was going to faint...either due to the heat or the fact that I havent slept for the equivalent of 2 days now! The city is really good, and extremely cheap! We got a railcard today for 2 yuan...which is 20 pence!! Basically we just had amassive meal as a group and had drinks and it only came to 3 english pounds each...bargain.
We are off the the Great Wall tomorrow, then wathcing some sort of Kung Fu show in the afternoon which should be fun. I think I will enjoy the odd bit of sight seeing, but to be honest im looking forward to getting to Australi and New Zealand where i get can on with the real activities and see things that are in English!
We are going on a coach tomorrow for 2 hours to get to the Wall, we have to make our own lunches tomorrow (yes really!) so i have made myself a nice little snack box...just need a thomas the tank engine box to put it all in! :-)
The flight out here was long, and I had to have a paracetamol for my back hurting...i had to fill out sn 'incident form' on the flight which was quite amusing!
Anyway, I hope you are all well-keep in touch on here wont you. As soon as I get soem more time I will out some more info and pics up. I took a few of the temple today but i will wait until i have more pics and more time. Its quite good though, we get 15mins a day free internet at this hotel, but we are only here tonight and tomorrow night.
Right i am off for some well deserved sleep! Its 9.30pm on Saturday here now, and our tour leaves at 8.30am Sunday, so i best catch up on some shut eye. xxxxxx
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