So here i am once again in boring old Auckland! Luckily only for one more night as we're being picked up tomorrow morning for surf camp :D
Seemed to have burnt myself even more, despite sitting in the shade! That stupid hole in the ozon layer seems to be targeting me ): Just checked into our dorm in Base. Again it's a mixed gender dorm (we're travelling on the cheap!!) Also managed to get some laundry done...and had a very respectable and healthy meal at maccy dees :D It's surprising how friendly everyone is and how easy people are to talk to. We've been chatting to people from all over the world, some easier to understand than others! I feel myself just smiling and nodding at a lot of people, but it seems to work so it can't be bad!
...Kelly, one of the girls we met in Phaila has informed ruth and i that we talk to each other in our sleep! Apparently last night she was woken up because i started singing happy birthday and then moaned because nobody else was joining in !! Im now a little worried about falling asleep...
well the time is ticking on the timerr so i best wrap this upp.dont know if i'll get chance to go on the poota next week. But will update asap! Love to all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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