Hola! sorry the photos are taking a while to get on the site. We have loads more to put on, but its proving alot more difficult than we thought!
Since the last blog, we have done some awesome snorkling- no pictures though i´m afraid, but we are on the look out for an underwater camera. we met this really nice couple from New York, called Aaron and Jesse, thats who we went snorkling with. The first place we went to was called casa cenote, and its really strange because the fresh water runs underneath the road from a lake on the other side called casa manatee, and it comes up into the ocean and mixes with the saltwater, which makes it look a bit like oil! It comes up into the ocean through a huge underwater crevasse, which is really scary at first to snorkel over! we saw some really cool fish, deep down in the crevasse. The best place for fish however was the second place- a lake in Akumel, where we snorkelled for about one and a half hours, and saw not another person! We saw some amazing tropical fish- a barracuda, some angel fish etc. Charlie also swam into the middle of a skool (not sure on spelling) of fish, and was surrounded by about a thousand! (no exaggeration!) That same evening we checked out a reggae night at Habana Cafe across the street- was very cool (although we were too tired to dance after the snorkeling!). Today we headed to the beach in Tulum- which totally lives up to its reputation. Its by far the quietest, and most beautiful beach we have seen so far. We did a bit more snorkeling, and saw a big lobster! Today has been the hottest day yet, and we have the white bits to prove it (and the red ones!). Tonight we are hopefully off to the beach party so that should be good. The strangest thing happened today- two guys moved into our dorm, so kev asked them where they were from- Taunton in Somerset! MAD- what a small world! its our last night in Tulum, so we might not be able to add manymore blogs for a bit. Take care, loadsa love xxx
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