Krisha's latest entry
Home, Washington
Day 10 - headed home! 10 hours later we arrived back at our house. Our trip was 9 nights long, covered 2616 miles, and crossed four states (Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and California). The kids are true road trippers! They did great in the car and seemed to appreciate each location we visited. Although as Bodie said, we could easily have s…
Josh Love that smile
re: Fruit Loops For BreakfastJosh Just looking at that picture made me thirsty
re: BishopJosh That place looks hot dang
re: photo from 26 July 2012Dad Grandma Louise loved the pictures - I read the blog to her every morning
re: Mammoth Lakes, CaliforniaJill Smith Awwww....we watched the pictures as you loaded them! Fun!
re: Passed Out