I just landed in the Hungarian airport. The flight was long but luckily I had first class so it was all good :) on the plane I had a ham and cheese sub and it was a lot better than American airplane food. Right now I'm driving in a cab to find a hotel. I had a reservation at a 5 star Hilton but something came up and they had to give my room…
Ok so I found a hotel and it's really nice for last minute!! It's called Botel Hotel Lisa. It's like a little boat on a canal. And it has a really nice restaurant in it too!!(: so tomorrow I'm…
I just landed in the Hungarian airport. The flight was long but luckily I had first class so it was all good :) on the plane I had a ham and cheese sub and it was a lot better than American ai…
Today is my last day :( in Finland right now I'm packing up all my stuff and about to head off to the airport. The past couple of days have been the time of my life!! On Tuesday I went to Atel…
I just got back from probably the best day ever!! Morgan and I went to the Turku Castle. We went on a tour and I learned a lot!! It was good to go there because my dad LOOOVES that place! I l…
xan hey chan chan great blog could use more detail on food though
re: Heading off