John 4:14 But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."
Today is the last day of this adventure together (I know there will be more to come in the future) and it is also a day of rest from the bike seat for Doug. I am a bit melancholy as it does not seem like the whirlwind of the last 12 days is almost complete. It has been a wonderful journey. I have practiced resting and taking naps. I have spent memorable time with my brother in Christ Doug. I have gotten to wander aimlessly for 2 weeks and inviting myself into conversations with strangers. I have seen the unbelievably beautiful creations of God/Nature/Man. We started at the Pacific Ocean and have been across mountains and deserts and deserts and mountains. The temperature has ranged from 39 to 114 degrees. I have enjoyed meeting people and learning why they call the places we have been - their little part of the world - home.
Since today is a day of rest we are visiting Mesa Verde - where the Puebloan Indians built their homes into the cliffsides of the mesa's. Packing was easy this morning because I shipped most of my belongings home courtesy of UPS so, I could just carry on a bag on my flight home from Durango. After packing we went and enjoyed our free breakfast at the hotel before departing. Outside it is still very smoky from the two major fires burning in the nearby mountains. As we drive to Mesa Verde the smoke begins to lift and be blown away by the gentle breeze that is blowing. We went to the Museum at the entrance to the park and toured the museum and Doug was able to get a ticket to tour the cliffside dwellings. I did not get a ticket as the guided tours are down very rugged trails - the guided tour was listed as very strenuous for everyone and I knew there would be something for me to enjoy while he hiked into the canyon.
From the park entrance to the actual pueblos was about 19 miles but it was a very scenic ride. We toured the museum at the top and while Doug went on the guided tour I wandered aimlessly and talked to strangers. There was a nice view from the back porch of one of the park rangers houses that people were allowed to sit on and view the canyon and one of the pueblos. I enjoyed sitting there as I had a good view of watching people walk down the trail and then come back up huffing and puffing. There were lots of families with children on the porch and I enjoyed watching the mother keep the boys from climbing over the edge while the girls quietly behaved (somethings will never change) I went to the gift shop and small restaurant for some Gatorade and to look at crafts. I usually don't drink Gatorade because of the salt but I think because of the heat and dryness (and healthy eating) my body was craving Gatorade.
Doug came back about the time I was finishing at the giftshop. Then we proceeded on to the Mesa Top Loop Road. It was an auto tour of Mesa Verde history. It was a 6-mile driving tour with short, paved trails adjacent to the road. It had twelve easily-accessible sites, including surface dwellings and cliff dwelling overlooks. You could view Square Tower House, Sun Point Overlook, and views of Cliff Palace from Sun Point and Sun Temple stops. I would highly recommend this tour for everyone as most of the sights were very accessible either from the truck or with a short easy walk. We stopped and ate lunch about halfway down the mesa on the way back to the park entrance. It was very windy at the picnic area. We had trouble keeping everything from blowing away - even the avocadoes wanted to take flight. I enjoyed our last meal together on this trip as our next stop would be the airport for me to return back to the real world. I have had a superbly magnificent time on our Great American Bike Adventure. I had planned on doing paperwork and writing sermons in my spare time but there was really no spare time. I could have skipped my naps or stayed up late but I had wanted to rest and I did rest well for the last two weeks. I have been blessed with a perfect combination of time alone, fellowship, seeing God's creations and rest. I am sad to be saying goodbye to Doug at the airport.
My flight home was eventful as my American Airlines flight had a glitch and was delayed 3 hours - and then suddenly (after much prayer) it wasn't. I was glad they figured it out because if I missed my connecting flight I would be sleeping on the floor at the Dallas/Ft Worth airport. My flight to Dallas was uneventful and the elderly lady sitting next to me was happy to sit and chat. The flight to Greensboro I sat next to this really stout truck driver (He apparently delivered something to Dallas and was flying home). He was 6'-9" and probably 400 lbs. We could change seats because the flight was sold out. I was happy to make it to Greensboro.
Lynn had left my car in the parking deck and I had only my carry-on so I headed straight to my car. As I walked outside I felt the cool rain falling on my skin - a sensation I had not felt for three weeks. I felt as if God was telling me he is watering me where I am at and this is where he has planted me. I am happy to be home with my family, friends and church family. God did let me experience a small part of this big world around us. He also assured me that where ever I am he will use me if I listen for his voice. He continually pours his living water me into so I can pour out to those who need God's Love! God Is So Good!!! May you be Blessed. In Christ's Abundant Love, Bobby.
- comments
Peggi Billman Awesome! I enjoyed this day with you as I read your description.