Letting the waves send you to sleep ?.... Once you are over 50 anything can make you fall asleep. !!
Dale please don't upset the lady on the TomTom, at some point you will really need her !.
Really jealous of you both, keep up the info, and the pictures (You should have snapped the Kebab eating monks).
Love Tim X
hi Dale and Oonagh, glad to see that you are having such a fab time. (cant believe that you took a hoover with you! ) thanks for visiting William Hope H, the girls were really moved by that. Venice looked fab. things are gr8 here mum is doing well. loads of love to you both. xxxxxxx
hi dale and oonagh
glad to see and hear your having fun :=)
sitting here green with envy but wish you both the very best
love warren and carol x
The pictures are lovely, the weather looks beautiful in Venice (it didn't smell did it?) Mum has been asking for an update from you every day - hence her message below.
It is so cool to be able to keep up to date and see your pictures, keep it up.
Lots of love Jaynexxx
That 3 weeks' stay with me was brilliant but have missed you ever since. The house is very lonely and I am having to do the garden myself! The grass seed you put down has taken - no more mesh :-)
Sounds like you are really enjoying yourselves but remember too much ice cream isn't good for you, wish I was there...
Love you lots Mumxxx
where is cheeky monkey? ;o)
Missing you
Chris Mattingley
I reckon your Tomtom was just sulking coz she couldn't get a word in edge ways.
Mandy is having a girl by the way.
Take care!!
Hiya Both,
We programmed the sat nav to panic when under pressure so be nice to it. All good at work, we dont miss you at all, the new Sub gets to bed earlier than you.
Take care, Mick.
Sounds like memorable trip already, aren't Sat Navs just great!! I think whoever broke the Hoover should be made to use the dustpan and brush.
and jus how many ice creams has Oonagh had already:-) I bet it is more than 1. Isn't Venice just beautiful and romantic? Any chance of a few more piccies - we really do want to see them.
Lots and lots of love Jaynexxx
Rob Sneddon
Hi dale & oonagh
Great to hear you've made the break and set off, sorry we missed the going away party - actually I'm not sure we got an invite!!
Julie, Amy and I send you all our best wishes and hope you have a brilliant time on your travels...if you happen to get lost and end up in California, do look us up!
Tim Lyons
Hi Chaffers...... I was in Paris last weekend. I was wondering how close you were but it sounds like you really legged down to the Sun !. So it looks like you will be looking for the equivalent of Comet/Currys somewhere in the Adriatic. Which traveller was affected then ?. Who is doing the hoovering...the same person that is doing the photos.... by the way when do we get to see them ?
Love Tim
Jayne Birch
So you have been away nearly a whole week, missing you sooo much - what have you been up to? Has everything gone to plan and what little travel stories have you gathered already?
Teri made me go cycling over the Bank Holiday and actually I quite enjoyed it - although next time I am wearing something to protect my bum!! The weather has been rainy here since Monday afternoon but is now beginning to brighten up again. I am praying we may get some sun for the weekend.
Look forward to hopefully getting an update when I next log in! In the meantime I send lots and lots of lovexxxx